Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yoga Master

So happy to hear that u finally found sumtin to do (that will earn u $$) and at the very same time doing sumtin u love so much ..... Yoga!!!!

Congratulations, my dear!! Dun worry, wif yr 2 mths practice in M'sia, u will do just fine regardless whether they r angmo or hak-mo!!!! Is Elina very very fluent in english herself??? I doubt-lor ...... :-)

So, will PG also b attending yr Yoga class where u r teaching, since he got 50% discount-mah!!! wuahahahahahah!!!!!!

Jess ..... please try out on the diet programme as suggested by Nana and tell whether effective or not ..... i myself hv put on a lot of pounds and need to shed a bit of weight!!!!

btw, how's yr father doing?? So now he's very "yin" as he has to wear sunglasses whenever he goes out ....... hehe

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