Sunday, August 16, 2009


How time flies ...... the date eating festival is just around the corner....... i bet Rowena, Shella, LPC & WC are bz with the "Kurma" thingy now. Mmmmm, the big & juicy Californian dates!!!! ha ha ha kind of missed it-lah!

Lina, u shud pluck some fresh ones and keep for us to "taste" ......!

Shy has started sending her "Red Bomb" dy ..... just asked me via MSN whether i've received my card ........Jess, hv u receive yr card yet?? Must tell Shy to let us sit together-lah!! he heh

Shy said Shella, Rowena & hubby, myself & Teh, Grace,Jess, Adeline & Jean (!!!!) are sitting in the same table. Must ask her whether possible to exchange Jean wif someone else ..... :-)

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