Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jess is back!

New hair style...mana pic????

New body on the way eh :) .... Cutting meal portion is a great great effort & step!!! Fr wat u told us, ur diet plan looks great for start! I wud encourage you not to skip lunch though...mayb a low calorie drink or fruits... u need energy to keep ur metabolism running ...otherwise ur metabolism will go down too which is not a good thing in losing weight & maintaining ur weight loss.

Jess, u nvr eat d dates ar??? I tot u quite like it too... I think too sweet tho... anyway, I bet they wud taste worst if salty... salty dates, any taker?

Glad to hear that Uncle Hiew is healing well!! Send my warmest regards to him ya! And aunty too :)

SK is very bz nowadays bcoz she is competing to be the Queen of Mahjong on Facebook! Haha

Jess, I have sent out our e-invitation for our wedding reception. SK : remind jess be punctual wor :)


Love u guys!

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