Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Didn't expect it to b tat soon ....

You r wrong if u r guessing tat! No, I m not pregnant yet!!!!!

Today met up with Elina the owner of Yoga Tree Studio in ABD. PG went with me. Yeah, our names so closely similar. She is 37 yrs old, if u r interested to know :P Haha She's fr Finland.

We kind of prepared ourselves.... I mean I prepared myself a little bit ...like I brought my Yoga Teacher Training Certificate which I got in 2007!!! plus my other yoga workshop certs. In Malaysia, never really heard anybody would need to see that cert. But I just brought it with me, just in case she wanted to see the cert.

And she really asked me if I can show her the cert!!!!! For the 1st time after my certification & paying so much for my teacher training, my certificate really laku one oh!!! When she saw the cert, she said " Ah (with a smile), yes, this is good. I want to see this".... our training cert is recognised & registered with the Yoga Alliance, USA. In Malaysia, I think people may not bother to see it. Hahaha.

So the initial part was she chatted with me asking about my background. Since when I started practicing & so on. Then she showed me ard her studio. Decent studio, clean. Well equipped. Afterthat trying out my teaching. We had about 20 mins where Elina pretended to b a student & I would be the teacher to teach. So off I went ahead to teach. After finished the teaching part, she said she like it. I was surprised becoz I am expecting the worst from this.....meaning I never expect she as a westerner/angmo will consider to take a chinese to teach her students. Her students are all expats & westerners. We can't speak as fluent english as them ... as good vocab/grammar as them.... & yet speaking/giving instructions clearly & correctly is a major part of the job to teach a class!!! English is not our mother language mah. When I pretended teaching her, I made some mistakes in speaking too. Maybe it is really difficult to find a yoga teacher in ABD & Dubai, they are a bit desperate to get a teacher.

So she offer me to try out teaching in Sept on 6th & 13th & tentatively 27th (could be still Raya holiday here). Basically sunday class 8.30-9.30pm. Pay wise .... teacher will get 50% from each class depending on the number of students for tat particular class. Fee per yoga session in ABD & Dubai very very expensive oh!!!!!!! SK, we are so lucky in Msia!!!! 50 per hr per person at her studio. For example if 10 students on tat day, I shall get about RM250 per class.

So I will try, I dunno whether the students will like my teaching style. Whether they will like a chinese to teach. I hope I can handle the class of expats!! Unlike in Msia, those students oso my frens, they are chinese & we can stil sometimes explain in Cantonese or hokkien or malay or hakka.

Juz pray kuat kuat for me la!! Hahahaha!!!

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