Sunday, August 30, 2009

Don b like tat = ng moi kam yong

Siu laat tai ngar!! = laugh til big tooth fall!!! for calling gossip girl yoga master! Hahaha

SK too much mahjong dy, too much 'spot d difference' dy! Wat I meant was, according to Elina, teacher get paid 50% from d amount of class fee collection at tat particular class.... not ghee ghee or me get 50% off d class fee to attend d class. However, Elina said as a teacher there, teacher can attend any classes any number of times free wor! Dunno how true! Get paid for teaching somemore get to attend any classes free! Anyway, looking at her studio timetable, really nothing much choices I can or interested very much to attend le. Anyway, let me face & pass my biggest challenge 1st la starting tis coming sunday before I even start thinking bout other stuff! Btw, Elina's english normal lor but there is some kind of slang there. Don think is American or British slang though.

SK, go jogging/walking, qi gong la since very difficult to go yoga nowadays... I bet u didnt try out Fri at Jo's studio hor.

Ya, Jersey Gal, how things with Uncle Hiew? How things with u ah? Stil very bz ar?

Next yr, I have booked airasia to go back 1st May til 1st July.... in btwn planning to go HK (13-20 May) & Bali (17-20 June).... Do u think u guys wanna go SDK again?? A makan trip :) We can check any cheap fares & book now, compare MAS & airasia.

Pray kuat kuat for me tis Sunday!

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