Monday, August 31, 2009

Weird weird feeling... hard to believe

I m a pharmacist by qualification.... I kinda felt pretty weird to believe that I am employed as a yoga teacher now... geez... Nvr in my dream or even tots tat I wud venture in another job of totally different profession! Well, stil.... let me get thru my 1st challenge tis sunday! Fingers crossed......

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Don b like tat = ng moi kam yong

Siu laat tai ngar!! = laugh til big tooth fall!!! for calling gossip girl yoga master! Hahaha

SK too much mahjong dy, too much 'spot d difference' dy! Wat I meant was, according to Elina, teacher get paid 50% from d amount of class fee collection at tat particular class.... not ghee ghee or me get 50% off d class fee to attend d class. However, Elina said as a teacher there, teacher can attend any classes any number of times free wor! Dunno how true! Get paid for teaching somemore get to attend any classes free! Anyway, looking at her studio timetable, really nothing much choices I can or interested very much to attend le. Anyway, let me face & pass my biggest challenge 1st la starting tis coming sunday before I even start thinking bout other stuff! Btw, Elina's english normal lor but there is some kind of slang there. Don think is American or British slang though.

SK, go jogging/walking, qi gong la since very difficult to go yoga nowadays... I bet u didnt try out Fri at Jo's studio hor.

Ya, Jersey Gal, how things with Uncle Hiew? How things with u ah? Stil very bz ar?

Next yr, I have booked airasia to go back 1st May til 1st July.... in btwn planning to go HK (13-20 May) & Bali (17-20 June).... Do u think u guys wanna go SDK again?? A makan trip :) We can check any cheap fares & book now, compare MAS & airasia.

Pray kuat kuat for me tis Sunday!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yoga Master

So happy to hear that u finally found sumtin to do (that will earn u $$) and at the very same time doing sumtin u love so much ..... Yoga!!!!

Congratulations, my dear!! Dun worry, wif yr 2 mths practice in M'sia, u will do just fine regardless whether they r angmo or hak-mo!!!! Is Elina very very fluent in english herself??? I doubt-lor ...... :-)

So, will PG also b attending yr Yoga class where u r teaching, since he got 50% discount-mah!!! wuahahahahahah!!!!!!

Jess ..... please try out on the diet programme as suggested by Nana and tell whether effective or not ..... i myself hv put on a lot of pounds and need to shed a bit of weight!!!!

btw, how's yr father doing?? So now he's very "yin" as he has to wear sunglasses whenever he goes out ....... hehe

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Didn't expect it to b tat soon ....

You r wrong if u r guessing tat! No, I m not pregnant yet!!!!!

Today met up with Elina the owner of Yoga Tree Studio in ABD. PG went with me. Yeah, our names so closely similar. She is 37 yrs old, if u r interested to know :P Haha She's fr Finland.

We kind of prepared ourselves.... I mean I prepared myself a little bit I brought my Yoga Teacher Training Certificate which I got in 2007!!! plus my other yoga workshop certs. In Malaysia, never really heard anybody would need to see that cert. But I just brought it with me, just in case she wanted to see the cert.

And she really asked me if I can show her the cert!!!!! For the 1st time after my certification & paying so much for my teacher training, my certificate really laku one oh!!! When she saw the cert, she said " Ah (with a smile), yes, this is good. I want to see this".... our training cert is recognised & registered with the Yoga Alliance, USA. In Malaysia, I think people may not bother to see it. Hahaha.

So the initial part was she chatted with me asking about my background. Since when I started practicing & so on. Then she showed me ard her studio. Decent studio, clean. Well equipped. Afterthat trying out my teaching. We had about 20 mins where Elina pretended to b a student & I would be the teacher to teach. So off I went ahead to teach. After finished the teaching part, she said she like it. I was surprised becoz I am expecting the worst from this.....meaning I never expect she as a westerner/angmo will consider to take a chinese to teach her students. Her students are all expats & westerners. We can't speak as fluent english as them ... as good vocab/grammar as them.... & yet speaking/giving instructions clearly & correctly is a major part of the job to teach a class!!! English is not our mother language mah. When I pretended teaching her, I made some mistakes in speaking too. Maybe it is really difficult to find a yoga teacher in ABD & Dubai, they are a bit desperate to get a teacher.

So she offer me to try out teaching in Sept on 6th & 13th & tentatively 27th (could be still Raya holiday here). Basically sunday class 8.30-9.30pm. Pay wise .... teacher will get 50% from each class depending on the number of students for tat particular class. Fee per yoga session in ABD & Dubai very very expensive oh!!!!!!! SK, we are so lucky in Msia!!!! 50 per hr per person at her studio. For example if 10 students on tat day, I shall get about RM250 per class.

So I will try, I dunno whether the students will like my teaching style. Whether they will like a chinese to teach. I hope I can handle the class of expats!! Unlike in Msia, those students oso my frens, they are chinese & we can stil sometimes explain in Cantonese or hokkien or malay or hakka.

Juz pray kuat kuat for me la!! Hahahaha!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Everything tutup kedai....stupid ar!

Today is 1st day of Ramadan! Bloody Hell....really all eateries closed! except supermarkets... & retail shops oso not all open or they closed very early.... very chaarm lo life here during ramadan!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mao Muun Tii :)

Mao Muun Tii :) U will b seated next to SK

Wedding gift..... mmmm Your presence on tat nite is the best wedding gift lor! :)

Roger That!

Ok, ok, I promise I will snap a photo by this coming weekend and post it on our blog.

Thanks for sharing so much information about side effect on skipping meal and gave me such a valuable tips and comments about my diet.

I knew you all luv me so much and hoping me becoming the best. I also felt love and sense of belonging, cause no matter how busy I'm, you gals always keep me in loop and never leave me behind. Thanks buddy.

Smoking hot Jess, I don't think so. It sooo not me. But I promise a new appearance, if i manage to lose few pounds, hahaha...wish me luck, I'm working hard on it.

Don't worry, I will be punctual on your big day, cause I don't want to miss any single moment and I already mark down in my organizer. Pleaseeeee, let me sit together with SK yay.

Or ya, any demand on the wedding gifts?


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

RSVP on my webbie ....

Jess & Ms Yeap ady RSVP ...

Jess, I think by d time u snap a pic of ur new look, it's ady an old look :P unless u can b efficient to do so :P heehee haahaa

Jess, it's actually not right to skip meals bcoz ...
1. when ur body cant find nutrients, body will start taking glucose fr ur brain & u will feel tired & sleepy
2. is not tat u don feel hungry easily when u don eat lunch. It's a overhunger & body lock down. Once ur body lock down, it lock down d toxins as well so toxins stay in ur body instead of being expelled fr ur body
3. sooner or later u may face gastric prob
4. u get hungry when u eat bcoz it's a healthy sign tat ur body has digested d food. It means ur body getting nutrient.

U can improve ur diet wif followings:
1. bfast - add fruit portions such as 1 olen + 1 apple (apple wakes u more complete to coffee)
2. don skip ur main meals. Take cereal drink, add oat if possible. Have fruits smoothie or fruit portions (3 tablespoon of oat takes 3 hrs to digest, so u spend more energy digesting than absorbing)
3. ur diner looks good!
4. keep sipping water thru out the day, keep hydrated :)
5. reward urself after long time of restraint..hv normal meal or ur favorite food once in awhile :) mentally u need to pamper urself once in awhile k :)

Jess, we know u too well.... but we also wan u to b better.... we oso wan d best for u... so rmbr to come on 28th Oct nite & on time :P haha..we don wan u to miss the good time mah!

So, we look fwd to see a Smoking Hot Jess very soon!!!!!! Rmbr Japanese rich guy loves smoking hot girl!!! We are waiting for ur japanese wedding dinner in japan! yay!!!!!!

Congratulation Buddy!

Haven't got a chance to snap a nice photo. Once I do, will post it on our blog.

Now I understand, why sometime I ate lunch, but I get hungry by 5pm sometime 6pm, I was wondering why I get hungry so fast, in fact I ate lunch, when I don't eat lunch, I won't get hungry so fast. Now I understand this is because my body metabolism is working when I ate, and the little food is keep it working and active to burn more calories and fat, right? Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks for the info.

I never eat the California dates, I brought home for my parent and sis, they love it, because it sweet. Got salty dates meh? In Malaysia or ABD?

Hey, I already reply RSVP on you e-invitation. Your looks extreme gorgeous in the photos. First time see you make up, you and PG looks fabulous.

Ya, SK, you got heavy task, make sure Jess is not forget about the dinner and also keep her on time. (Poor me being mark as late comer) ;( sob sob...

Once again, Congratulation buddy.

Jersey gal

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jess is back!

New hair style...mana pic????

New body on the way eh :) .... Cutting meal portion is a great great effort & step!!! Fr wat u told us, ur diet plan looks great for start! I wud encourage you not to skip lunch though...mayb a low calorie drink or fruits... u need energy to keep ur metabolism running ...otherwise ur metabolism will go down too which is not a good thing in losing weight & maintaining ur weight loss.

Jess, u nvr eat d dates ar??? I tot u quite like it too... I think too sweet tho... anyway, I bet they wud taste worst if salty... salty dates, any taker?

Glad to hear that Uncle Hiew is healing well!! Send my warmest regards to him ya! And aunty too :)

SK is very bz nowadays bcoz she is competing to be the Queen of Mahjong on Facebook! Haha

Jess, I have sent out our e-invitation for our wedding reception. SK : remind jess be punctual wor :)


Love u guys!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Busy like hell!

Hey gals, miss your all so much. Quite busy lately cause need to close as much as sales I can before the Fasting and Hari Raya start, otherwise, I got no income for the month of Sept and Oct.

My dad - Uncle Hiew's eye is in recover progress, his condition is getting better and better, he even put on a little bit weight.

I'm sure they all are very busy now packing the California dates. I miss the work packing not the dates, cause I never eat them....haha.

I haven't receive the 'red bomb' from Shy, but she did call me ask for my address. I guess the mail boy still trying to figure out my address. =) Is Jean confirm attending her wedding? I doubt, cause Jean never like to attend such social dinning.

I started my diet plan, but I didn't follow straightly like you all advice, cause I need energy running up and down in the field. But I cut down my food portion, I do lost weight, but it went very slow.

My diet meal:
Morning - a cup of cereal, a cup of low fat milk, a cup of yogurt.
Afternoon - some time a bowl of meehoo or I don't ever have my lunch.
Night - my mum cook without rice, mostly vege.

Any better suggestion on meal to reduce weight faster and still gaining energy to work?

Hey, I cut my hair. Now my hair length is shorter and above shoulder.

According to SK...

3 kinds of ppl...

"sup suk" = cooked
"pun sang suk" = half-cooked
"sup mm suk" = not cooked

most annoying kind is "sup mm suk" bcoz they think themselves very "suk" but they actually "sup mm suk"!!

SK : u c, v "sup suk" ppl dun really know wat the "sup mm suk" ppl will do.....

SK : ... and the level of "suk"-ness has got no direct relation wif age

Sunday, August 16, 2009


How time flies ...... the date eating festival is just around the corner....... i bet Rowena, Shella, LPC & WC are bz with the "Kurma" thingy now. Mmmmm, the big & juicy Californian dates!!!! ha ha ha kind of missed it-lah!

Lina, u shud pluck some fresh ones and keep for us to "taste" ......!

Shy has started sending her "Red Bomb" dy ..... just asked me via MSN whether i've received my card ........Jess, hv u receive yr card yet?? Must tell Shy to let us sit together-lah!! he heh

Shy said Shella, Rowena & hubby, myself & Teh, Grace,Jess, Adeline & Jean (!!!!) are sitting in the same table. Must ask her whether possible to exchange Jean wif someone else ..... :-)

Apparently more than 100 types of dates available...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Palm trees everywhr here budding bunches of dates

Feel free to harvest or pluck, let them rest for couple of weeks, they shall b ready to go into ur stomach. Eat fresh ones - has d 'kiap kiap' taste.

It's totally odd feeling

I felt extremely odd celebrating Spore National Day... they sang Spore National song, said their plegde as Sporean (juz like our rukunegara).. v stood & observed together lor.... very weird feeling & I know I m a Malaysian at heart :P though I m not patriotic at all, I don bother Msia National Day except another public holiday! yay!!, I throw rubbish on streets to create job opportunities u see, I complain bout my country :P bout slow govn service...etc However, I learnt a few things bout Sporean fr a trivia they did as a game on tat nite... Sporeans very realistic, they accepted the fact that they have all these values - kiasu, kiasi & kiapoh (fear of wives wor)... & also one of their past times is complaining! Haha

On tat nite, those Sporeans collected 44K dirham & donated to a special need child, who was there at diner too. There was a video presentation bout tat special kid. When it came to a part where d mother of d kid was speaking, we stil dunno who d heck d mother was bcoz all v saw on d screen was a black thing speaking. She was wearing their black outfit covered all over.. cannot see face oso.... so we only watching a black thing speaking lor... for me, i think this was hilariously ridiculous

Enuff bout d Spore National Day celebration nite.

Jersey gal got big business & muz bz rushing to deliver her goods on time! Fuel up Jess!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Have been taking leave since yesterday afternoon ........ my crown prince is having cough & fever while his lil sister is having a bad cough!!!

Well, Lina ..... exercise (ironing) is good for you-mah!! ha ha

Jess ..... how's life? Y so quiet lately? :)-


Monday, August 3, 2009

Jersey Gal, how issit going wif tat goal of urs

Ms Jersey, hv u started tat diet or has given up? Heehee...

How Mr Soh welcomes me back...

Loads of shirts to be ironed... isnt it sweet!!! Hahaha.... mmmm... do keep me occupied for many hours... & tamed my temptation to watch my drama series :) otherwise I will b stucked on my laptop...On d other hand, he downloaded a whole lot of drama series for me...tat's really sweet of him! Haha..

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Corpse ??

Corpse in da suparmarket ... similar like how they wrap themselves
when they go sell ham ngap taan

Hot & sandstorm...

See d blurry visibility of surroundings..... very very very fine sand particles suspended in d air...looked like winter mist hor