Wednesday, September 2, 2009

SK, no need to think :) Go for tat yoga studio

Just pay 120 & try out for a month! I believe u'll find some classes tat u like. Keep it up!!

Wua, ur next job painting :) Actually I like to paint oso, hahaha! I find it fun wor... I rmbr doing it once with my late grandpa.. I was in primary school I think.

Jess, letting go aeroplane again of her latest picture she supposed to post :P Nvrmind, we are ady immune to it :P Hahaha

OMG! I pray for Shy's dad! Fr d way SK described, sounded kinda serious le... yellow, skinny & weak... liver (not livers :P each human one liver) not functioning, no play play oh... at least kidneys not functioning stil can be sustained using d dialysis machine... liver takda le... unless liver transplant... Ya, she has to be really prepared for anything tat cud happen! Somemore her big day getting nearer!

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