Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Enjoying a Good Time at SK's Mum House and Shy's Wedding Dinner

Halo, I'm really having a great time with SK together, visited TS for Raya Open House, didn't try much food there just a few pieces of cake. TS gave me a green packet content of RM50.00, WOW! Never expect I will get one from him.

Then we head back to SK's mum house, waiting for SK get herself ready for Shy's wedding dinner. While waiting I snap few photos of the process how SK's sisters making the Hakka Kuih, guess what, SK's mum steam few kuih for me to try out, it was soooo damn good, it is so nice when serve while it hot. The 1st time, when SK brought the Hakka Kuih for us to try out at KLCC, as she keep promoting how good and tasty of the kuih, I can't really agreed to her, but to be polite and for her efforts, I have to said or lied to agree with her at that point of time. This time, I'm agreed with her sincerely from the bottom of my heart, it was GOOD!

We reached Shy's wedding earlier, chit chat and planning our timing to attend your wedding. Which I will be going to SK's mum house again, to go together with SK. Didn't take much photos of the groom and bride, but a lots of food.

Sadly MS didn't make it to Shy's dinner, it has been very long time I didn't see MS after our SDK trip. Did any one of them know that we planned our 2nd SDK trip? If they didn't know, can we keep to ourselves, cause Shy did asked me before to go with her to SDK prior to our plan or much earlier before she wanted to get marry, I rejected her. So, I don't want her come to me and complaint that I go with you all and don't want to go with her, as you all know that she is "sum mm suk", she can make it a scene.

That all for now.

Jersey Gal

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