Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How was yr 1st class?? (if i'm not mistaken shd be 30 Aug 2009, right?) No worries, i hv 99% faith on your teaching abilities and skills!!! hahahahahha

Nana dear ...... my breeze walking ..... is still on ..... as and when the weather and/or my mood is ON. hahahaha!! As for the Yoga, as the other day when i saw the Notice Board, it was on a Sunday Morning ~8am ..... they are not open yet. Perhaps this weekend i will go & explore further.... wish me luck!!

Just now chatted a while wif Shy .... she said her father's livers are not working as the tumor is blocking his gallbladder-wor ...... and that her father is all yellow now, skinny and weak. Haih .... i told her "I dunno wat to say .... But b strong, especially in front of yr dad" ........sad-huh??

Jess ..... have u taken a "most recent" photo of yourself wif the new hair style yet??? Oh oh Jess, i wanna congratulate you - YOU ARE A PROUD OWNER OF YOUR PROTON CAR NOW!!!! You hv paid off yr car loan dy, right!!!!!! So, how does it feel to be debt-free???? Belanja Belanja!!!

I have dy a project on hand when i am not working ...... my sis said she'll sponsored all the paint, paint brush etc for me to paint my mum's house!!!! wow, such a big project and yes, it's abt time the old faithful house to be re-painted too!!!

That's all for now .................. chat next time!!!!

Roger & out!!

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