Friday, September 25, 2009

Finally found wonton skin :) sold in Lulu Supermarket...woohoo!

Saw on d back of wonton packet, manufactured in San Francisco man! Imported wonton skin! Haha

Mmmm.... got wonton, something else missing! Charsiew! Hehehe... so we bought pork, minced part of it for wonton filling :D.... I successfully made about 28 wontons & my charsiew... served with egg noodles in a simple vege broth, also with a plate hou yau ice berg lettuce :D & we invited PG's colleagues to eat! PG supposed to help out cooking, but ended up I kau tim everything myself bcoz he came home late fr work... Unfortunately I was too into cooking that I forgotten to take some pics of my debut wonton & charsiew!

Anyway :) tmr I am going to make wonton again with chicken charsiew... hope I can rmbr to snap some pics :D Hehehe....

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