Sunday, September 13, 2009

My New Look

Sorry buddy, I'm have been away from blog for sooo long, 1st I was sick (fever and diarrhea) and then my father and brother also getting the same sickness. When I get back to work, my workload was bundle up like mount Everest. That keep me busy like hell.

Don't worry my look will change, I took the photos much earlier right after my hair cut, which I wanted to share with you gals. Sorry the visual was not so clear cause I using handphone snap the photo.

I so proud of you Lina, your determination, hard work, focus, sweat and pain are paid off when you stand in front of all the expat students. Don't care so much what they said or think about you. No one is perfect at the 1st time, give yourself a couple of classes, you will be fine. Anyway I find you are perfect teacher.

I'm fine with another SDK and KK trip, I'm not available on 21-24 May. Just let me know when you have decided the date. I loving it.

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