Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jess the Liang Moi Chai!!!

Liang moi chai!!! b4 I start talking sumting else... fever & diarrhea are few of d H1N1 symptoms le... & can be transmitted le, now tat u said Uncle Hiew & Hiew di di oso kena. Better check properly oh.

Ok, tmr mrng, I'll check & plan for SDK trip next yr.

Tonite I taught my 2nd class... 13 students tonite... few were same faces, d rest new faces. Additional 3 guys, 2 aunties, d rest ladies.... Frankly I found a lil difficult to take care of everyone at one time. Nevertheless, try my best lor....

Jess, ur new hair cut LIANG wor :D Hehehe.... I think I may want to do sumting bout my hair after my wedding, mayb cut it short or permed it like maggie mee....

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