Sunday, September 6, 2009

Inauguration of my 1st yoga teaching in ABD!

06.09.09... c'mon!!!! I nvr ever dare to dream Lina Fong teaching yoga in another country!!! OMG! Tis thought suddenly strikes me after I was done with my shower starting to blog bout it.... regardless this will last long or not, regardless if I get complained by students, it will alwiz be a day, a moment I wud rmbr for the rest of my life! Wat an experience!!! To teach expats - kulit putih & hitam & coklat! And I kulit kuning!

Well, no doubt at d back of of their mind " Ohhh?? Tis yellow skin teaching? Can she handle??? " Me: "watever.." Haha... will see anybody turn up next class. Tonite were 8 students.

Nevertheless I pulled it thru tonite... at least :P

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