Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Nana, fried chicken wings is not the only dish that i know to cook ..... i can cook nice garlic butter prawn too!! But then like u said ..... u r not interested in cooking when u r back in M'sia ...... the forget the whole idea then!!

Well, hours ago received sms text fr Rosli ..... his wife given birth to a baby girl this morning .... so happy for him .... i congratulated him to the world of parenthood - where sleep is NEVER enough!!!! hahahahahah So bad of me!

That's all for the day ......... Jess, u r rather quiet these days ............. busy-ar??


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another of Liew Liew timeless collections

It's a Elle's orange yellowish jeans! Money can't buy!

Temperature going down slowly....

Finally a lil relief in d temp here! But stil smoking hot during d day, at least d nites shall b better, more cooling these days....

Nana is not a fussy eater in terms of taste or smoking hot or room temperature food...kakaka... tat's d beauty of Nana :P Hahaha... But Nana is a picky eater in terms of d way the food is cooked... not a fan of deep fried... one of them...
Frankly speaking, I found hakka kuih on tat day stil tasty to me even tho at room temp... tell u ... Nana not fussy in a way :P

Liew Liew, 'inner spiral', 'outer spiral'...etc watever/whichever ways Jo teaches are based on Anusara Yoga...tat's why... other types of yoga uses different terms/explanation/technique... ya, Jo is famous in d Yoga community, likewise my sii fuu Vincent Tam :P ...

Liew Liew suggested cooking fr each of us... I bet Liew Liew gonna do fried chicken wings! So if really we play cooking one fine day, no fried chicken wings fr Liew Liew, Liew Liew muz cook sumting else 'new' haha... bcoz I don eat chicken wings :P Now Nana is acting a lil fussy here :P Back in Msia, whr got mood to cook! Lets go Zamnmai, all happy dy! many good food in Msia..... mmmm

Seems like Liew Liew has been really spending quality time nowadays! Good!

SK: How many exotic pants u stil hv in ur wardrobe that yet to show us :P ... mayb during SDK trip in May 2010, u can showcase somemore :P hahaha!

Counting down to go back KL :)

Oh ya, me & PG going to watch Beyonce Concert on 25th Oct! It is one of my dreams to watch her in real life man! Yay...

Interesting Pants

Nana, now only u noticed i hv a lot of interesting pants????? muahahahahahha

FYI, the pair of pants in the video?? REALLY COMFORTABLE!!!! and makes one feels like a gypsy!!!! (spelling correct or not-huh??)

There are many sides of me that you hv not explore ............... hahahhahahha

THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!! Fox Moulder (X-Files)

Aiyoyo ........ Jess ...... i must say i was a bit upset when i saw that you "pretended" to agree with me abt the hakka kuih!!!! Lucky thing you found out the "true colour" and "true power" of the kuih the other day ....... that it's actually yummy when served "HOT"!!!! Nana, come on now, did u too shared the same opinion with Jess when you tasted the kuih on your birthday?? :P Actually i felt bad too that you guys had to taste it "Not Cold, but dy room temparature" the last time. No worries, there will b opportunity for you guys to taste the kuih "smoking hot" one day!!!

Nana, i've finally attended the Yoga class ..... as usual ..... whole body aching for days after that .... really "old" dy!! the class is somewhat "different" fr Jo's. There's no "inner spiral" "outer spiral", no hand stand, no head stand ...... the familiar ones are Cobra, Downward Doggie but still i sweated ...... really sweated!!! Guess wat, the new Yoga Guru also heard of Jo .... mmm she must b real famous in the Yoga World-huh??

Chef Lina, when are you gonna cook sumtin for our eating pleasure ..... been hearing abt your cooking experience every now & then ..... perhaps we (each of us) could cook sumtin one fine day, wat say the 2 of u???

Days of not working .... have been spent meaningfully for the past days ...... mornings are mostly spent teaching my daughter while yesterday i spent the whole afternoon re-furbishing the "torn & broken" lanterns and this mornings the kids enjoyed themselves colouring and decorating the lanterns !!! Perhaps i could really try out cooking some simple dishes .... in days to come! :-)

that's all for now ..... Cheers

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Guess I was hungry & totally forgotten bout it :P

Heehee... nvr rmbr to snap pix of my wonton & chicken char siew... mayb next time... again :P

Friday, September 25, 2009

Finally found wonton skin :) sold in Lulu Supermarket...woohoo!

Saw on d back of wonton packet, manufactured in San Francisco man! Imported wonton skin! Haha

Mmmm.... got wonton, something else missing! Charsiew! Hehehe... so we bought pork, minced part of it for wonton filling :D.... I successfully made about 28 wontons & my charsiew... served with egg noodles in a simple vege broth, also with a plate hou yau ice berg lettuce :D & we invited PG's colleagues to eat! PG supposed to help out cooking, but ended up I kau tim everything myself bcoz he came home late fr work... Unfortunately I was too into cooking that I forgotten to take some pics of my debut wonton & charsiew!

Anyway :) tmr I am going to make wonton again with chicken charsiew... hope I can rmbr to snap some pics :D Hehehe....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Some Photos Taken At Shy's Wedding Dinner

Enjoying a Good Time at SK's Mum House and Shy's Wedding Dinner

Halo, I'm really having a great time with SK together, visited TS for Raya Open House, didn't try much food there just a few pieces of cake. TS gave me a green packet content of RM50.00, WOW! Never expect I will get one from him.

Then we head back to SK's mum house, waiting for SK get herself ready for Shy's wedding dinner. While waiting I snap few photos of the process how SK's sisters making the Hakka Kuih, guess what, SK's mum steam few kuih for me to try out, it was soooo damn good, it is so nice when serve while it hot. The 1st time, when SK brought the Hakka Kuih for us to try out at KLCC, as she keep promoting how good and tasty of the kuih, I can't really agreed to her, but to be polite and for her efforts, I have to said or lied to agree with her at that point of time. This time, I'm agreed with her sincerely from the bottom of my heart, it was GOOD!

We reached Shy's wedding earlier, chit chat and planning our timing to attend your wedding. Which I will be going to SK's mum house again, to go together with SK. Didn't take much photos of the groom and bride, but a lots of food.

Sadly MS didn't make it to Shy's dinner, it has been very long time I didn't see MS after our SDK trip. Did any one of them know that we planned our 2nd SDK trip? If they didn't know, can we keep to ourselves, cause Shy did asked me before to go with her to SDK prior to our plan or much earlier before she wanted to get marry, I rejected her. So, I don't want her come to me and complaint that I go with you all and don't want to go with her, as you all know that she is "sum mm suk", she can make it a scene.

That all for now.

Jersey Gal

So 'sup mm suk'... c'mon

I m waiting for Jess pix :) Wait....wait....wait...wait...wait...wait....

Aiyo, y tis MS so like tat.... I think I m going to tease her whether she wud do d same thing for Oct 28th... last min FFK... as we are nearly short of seats now bcoz we expected many wont b able to come, but turn out d other way round... we don wan to waste a seat man! MS shud hv told SHY early if she had actually plan a hol over tat long wkN break.

Tat's all I took during our lil Dubai trip...nothing much la. But stil obviously much more life & things to see/do in Dubai as compared to ABD la... ABD sucks man! Anyway, I have attached a video taken fr Dubai, my all time favorite - A Golden Moment in Life :P I noticed SK has many interesting pants :D Haha

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Some Updates

Jess ..... hoped that u had a good time visiting TS Raya Open House the other day. Oh oh apparently Rosli's gonna b a daddy real soon .... his wife is very pregnant ..... shud b due for delivery very soon!!!!

Nana, guess wat? Yr "sup mm suk" good friend Mee Sen actually "fong fei kei" and din attend Shy's wedding !!! At 1st v were wondering how come v din c Mee Sen ...... perhaps she's sitting somewhere else or sumtin ..... then finally towards the end of dinner when Shy & hubby came to our table for toasting ..... i asked Shy ....... She said "dun wan to talk abt her-lah ..... she's in Genting now!!" Haih ........

Well, Jess took a lot of photos of the foods served on that night, v shall wait for her to transfer them for our viewing pleasure ........

How was your trips to Dubai? Took any nice pix besides those in facebook??

Looking forward to your wedding next and then our Sandakan Makan Trip next May!!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jess the Liang Moi Chai!!!

Liang moi chai!!! b4 I start talking sumting else... fever & diarrhea are few of d H1N1 symptoms le... & can be transmitted le, now tat u said Uncle Hiew & Hiew di di oso kena. Better check properly oh.

Ok, tmr mrng, I'll check & plan for SDK trip next yr.

Tonite I taught my 2nd class... 13 students tonite... few were same faces, d rest new faces. Additional 3 guys, 2 aunties, d rest ladies.... Frankly I found a lil difficult to take care of everyone at one time. Nevertheless, try my best lor....

Jess, ur new hair cut LIANG wor :D Hehehe.... I think I may want to do sumting bout my hair after my wedding, mayb cut it short or permed it like maggie mee....

My New Look

Sorry buddy, I'm have been away from blog for sooo long, 1st I was sick (fever and diarrhea) and then my father and brother also getting the same sickness. When I get back to work, my workload was bundle up like mount Everest. That keep me busy like hell.

Don't worry my look will change, I took the photos much earlier right after my hair cut, which I wanted to share with you gals. Sorry the visual was not so clear cause I using handphone snap the photo.

I so proud of you Lina, your determination, hard work, focus, sweat and pain are paid off when you stand in front of all the expat students. Don't care so much what they said or think about you. No one is perfect at the 1st time, give yourself a couple of classes, you will be fine. Anyway I find you are perfect teacher.

I'm fine with another SDK and KK trip, I'm not available on 21-24 May. Just let me know when you have decided the date. I loving it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

SK, u discuss wif Jess 1st...

13th-23th May 2010
14th-24th Jun 2010

So quik quik discuss lor

We discuss using email ok! Not here ya

Yeah!! Another SDK Makan Trip!!!

Congrats my dear .... for successfully conducting your 1st ever Yoga class in Abu Dhabi!!!! Keep it up!!

I raised both my hands and even legs .... for another eating trip in Sdk & even KK!!! So, Jess, how abt it??

I have made a date with Jess to go TS's Raya Open House to get some "green" packets this year!! Then at night we shall proceed to Shy's wedding dinner.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Another SDK relax-makan getaway??

I hv bought my tix back to KL May-June next year. Juz came across my mind, mayb another SDK relax makan trip? U guys think bout it. If really keen, we can plan a couple of nites in KK too but tat KK - susah sikit bcoz no car (maybe...maybe my cousins can spare me a car for couple days...possible to arrange that) & I dunno d roads well hahaha but I believe d roads pretty straight fwd. Not a big town anyway :) Staying for free in KK not a prob too... I hv many cousins there :) U guys see see look look 'lam lam kui'

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Inauguration of my 1st yoga teaching in ABD!

06.09.09... c'mon!!!! I nvr ever dare to dream Lina Fong teaching yoga in another country!!! OMG! Tis thought suddenly strikes me after I was done with my shower starting to blog bout it.... regardless this will last long or not, regardless if I get complained by students, it will alwiz be a day, a moment I wud rmbr for the rest of my life! Wat an experience!!! To teach expats - kulit putih & hitam & coklat! And I kulit kuning!

Well, no doubt at d back of of their mind " Ohhh?? Tis yellow skin teaching? Can she handle??? " Me: "watever.." Haha... will see anybody turn up next class. Tonite were 8 students.

Nevertheless I pulled it thru tonite... at least :P

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

SK, no need to think :) Go for tat yoga studio

Just pay 120 & try out for a month! I believe u'll find some classes tat u like. Keep it up!!

Wua, ur next job painting :) Actually I like to paint oso, hahaha! I find it fun wor... I rmbr doing it once with my late grandpa.. I was in primary school I think.

Jess, letting go aeroplane again of her latest picture she supposed to post :P Nvrmind, we are ady immune to it :P Hahaha

OMG! I pray for Shy's dad! Fr d way SK described, sounded kinda serious le... yellow, skinny & weak... liver (not livers :P each human one liver) not functioning, no play play oh... at least kidneys not functioning stil can be sustained using d dialysis machine... liver takda le... unless liver transplant... Ya, she has to be really prepared for anything tat cud happen! Somemore her big day getting nearer!

RE: 50% explanation

SK ... accountant memang accountant! Heehee!!! Calculation so canggih! Soli ar :P ur drug nerdy Nana cannot keep up with u! Haha

Accountant in da house!!!

50% explanation

Nana, i am well aware of wat u told me ........ i am not nyanyuk yet

what i meant was even if PG needs to pay $$ for class, immediately he'll get 50% discount as Lina the Yoga teacher will "earn" the other 50% of $$-mah ...... effectively speaking of course!!

6 September - the DAY!!!!

well, saw on the old post that Nana's 1st teaching will b on 6th Sept ...... oops ...... anyway, i am still keeping on to my statement : I have 99% of faith in your teaching & your skills!!! The only thing is that i've got the date wrong!!!!! Sorry .......
How was yr 1st class?? (if i'm not mistaken shd be 30 Aug 2009, right?) No worries, i hv 99% faith on your teaching abilities and skills!!! hahahahahha

Nana dear ...... my breeze walking ..... is still on ..... as and when the weather and/or my mood is ON. hahahaha!! As for the Yoga, as the other day when i saw the Notice Board, it was on a Sunday Morning ~8am ..... they are not open yet. Perhaps this weekend i will go & explore further.... wish me luck!!

Just now chatted a while wif Shy .... she said her father's livers are not working as the tumor is blocking his gallbladder-wor ...... and that her father is all yellow now, skinny and weak. Haih .... i told her "I dunno wat to say .... But b strong, especially in front of yr dad" ........sad-huh??

Jess ..... have u taken a "most recent" photo of yourself wif the new hair style yet??? Oh oh Jess, i wanna congratulate you - YOU ARE A PROUD OWNER OF YOUR PROTON CAR NOW!!!! You hv paid off yr car loan dy, right!!!!!! So, how does it feel to be debt-free???? Belanja Belanja!!!

I have dy a project on hand when i am not working ...... my sis said she'll sponsored all the paint, paint brush etc for me to paint my mum's house!!!! wow, such a big project and yes, it's abt time the old faithful house to be re-painted too!!!

That's all for now .................. chat next time!!!!

Roger & out!!