Monday, July 20, 2009

My weakness ....

My weakness is I cannot resist Lululemon! But muahahaha... I take it as a challenge... my weakness when come to Lululemon is my challenge! Say only is a challenge :P

SK, u know my crazy love for Lululemon... Jersey may be scratching ur head... wat d hell is Lululemon???

1 comment:

Blogger Black Pearl said...

Jess, 1st of all, Lululemon is a brand for Yoga outfit that Lina is crazy about!!!!
Today is Wednesday ..... recently has became the day i hate most in a week ......Y? B'coz every Wednesday will have the stupidest management meeting!!!!!! arghhhhh!!!!!! I really dunno how long else can i tahan...... Mmm, when will i strike it rich...Real RICH!!!