Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tired and Touching

I'm so touching by all your wishes to my dad, Thank you.

Thanks god the operation went successful and smoothly as I planned. And this afternoon, he has dis-charge from hospital since admitted on Monday. I was like running up and down making sure he is fine and giving him comfort, cause he look worry. At the same time, also need to make sure my mum not worry too (she look so sad when my dad have to admit hospital).

Even make the situation worse, my Singapore's relative coming to visit us in a big group, on Monday and Tuesday.

And my phone non-stop ringing, cause I managed to secure 2 big jobs from my clients after a stiff competition with other competitor, bad news is I was given a short period to deliver. The client keep calling me when I was at hospital with my dad, I have to work from hospital to get my supplier to kick off the production.

Finally the operation took place on Tuesday after postponed so many times, due to few patients with serious and urgent conditions and need immediate attention. When my dad push out from the surgery hall, and he smile at me, out of the sudden all my tiredness, burden, worries and fear "puff" gone, the whole body felt good.

I felt even more great when I reading this blog, your wishes and concern make me felt warm and love. Thank you.

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