Sunday, July 19, 2009

A hate-love thing... tat's life

I hv been avoiding to teach yoga all these while. Despite so many workshops & TTC, I nvr feel I was ready to teach. I don't hv confidence at all frankly speaking. But! I dunno whr I found my guts to agree to Jo to teach during her maternity! Who gave me the guts tat split second?!! Haha... Well, I prepared as much & was so nervous the 1st class & off I taught the 1st class! & 2nd & 3rd & so on... My love towards teaching has grown over these few weeks.. Tomorrow (the 20th July 2009) supposed to be my last class but two. However I am not able to teach tomorrow as I am heading to Singapore. I kinda dont wish to miss teaching the class - LOVE. On the other hand, I kinda relief & happy because I can skip preparing a class for tomorrow - HATE. I would love to teach but I hate to prepare for the class. So u tell me how :P

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