Sunday, July 19, 2009

Newborn - Sisterhood of elephant leg's blog

Oh yeah, our chit chat blog has born. Now we can share everything that happen to us on this blog, our thought, our opinion, our life, our happiness and sadness and etc. Not to forget our gossip too..ha ha ha. But the name of our blog kind of funny, there are some many name on earth, sexy leg, skinny leg, carrot leg, chopstick leg, or kaki polio, but Lina pick up elephant leg. However, I find it unique and special. I really having a great time today with you all, mingle around with both of you, I felt nice and happy and myself. Most of the time when I facing my clients, I have to put on a mask, felt like my life is empty. But when I was around with you all, I can be myself, the person who I want to be, I'm looking forward our next appointment at Pavilion. Once again Happy Birthday Lina and to our blog as well. Lets toast for our blog and friendship forever.

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