Monday, February 28, 2011

So many Posts for the last 10 days

Wow i must say i was kinda surprised to see so many posts on our blog!

1st & foremost, my cough bug, 99% gone liao!! Still got a lil discomfort at the throat only.

Jess, wow so "yau mui lek" until some stranger calling u 2 ask u out, but then dun play play, nowadays many many bad guys out there ..... just Ignore this crazy man!!

Jess, since u r going to Melbourne, pls look ard for Lina's baby shower gift as i looked ard last weekend, din see any though. This kind of things is more common in the kwai lo countries. I too hv not been to Melbourne (only been to Sydney), so no t much of advice to give u. Soli!!

Nana, today u r a super duper happy woman as yr darling PG is back! Spend the remaining "bachelors" days as hubby & wife b4 the arrival of Dino!!! Yup, from then onwards it'll be three-some!!!! Initially sure will b "Mmm kwan" but then u will get used to it in no time!!

School holidays starts fr 12 March - 20 March, so sis is arranging for a local short trip, most probably eat coast ..... mmm nvr been to east coast for so long liao!! Looking forward to a lil break !

Nana, rest rest rest kau kau, for yr undisturbed sleeping days will soon be over!! Take good care of yourself and do keep us in the loop of your "motherhood" and post photos on the blog!!

Jess, hv a wonderful trip & i aacept any kind of "sau soon"!! ha ha ha just joking!!



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