Friday, February 25, 2011

About Me!

Something to baat gua about me. Recently I got a call from this guy by the name of Steven.

He called me on 24th evening and asked me "How was it", he caught me at totally blur. I replied "What can I help you?", then he said he has sent me a sms, and asked what do I think of it. I told him that I didn't receive anything. So, he apologies and hang up. I just left it as it is. Later few hours on the same day, he sent me a sms, saying "Tomorrow what time go for yam cha?" claimed that he got my number from one of his badminton kaki friend and got to know from this friend as well that I'm still single and available. Thus, mentioned he is single too. I was busy at that moment when received such sms, I didn't reply immediately.

During the late evening, when I check my sms from client and saw his sms, thought of courtesy and reply his sms. The content is as follow:

"Hi Steven, I'm so impress and salute with your brave and daring approach, however, I guess your friend must be giving you the wrong number, cause not that I know off any of my friends are badminton kaki, therefore, I'm very sure you must get the wrong number. No doubt I'm single but I don't accept invitation from stranger. By the way, may I know your badminton kaki friend's name who gave you my number. Thanks and wishing you have a great day ahead."

I though being politely rejected his invitation will make him pause and stop, but the following day early in the morning, I got his call again. Asking me still recall the sms that he sent to me, but due to I'm driving without a bluetooth, so I quickly tell him off that I can't on the phone right now, call later.

Till now I haven't got his return call again, hopefully this crazy dog will not return back. I got a hunch this might be the syndicate that cheat single and lonely lady money as it is very hot news currently in local newspaper.

Am I think too much or too imaginative...hahaha!!...Who ever he is, am is more interested in his badminton kaki who gave away my number without hint at me. I will eat that person ALIVE! HAHAHA

Hope this will cheers up you gals baat gua sense to maximum...hahaha..


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