Friday, February 25, 2011

Australia....I'm coming!!

SK, take it easy. Whatever Shy wanted to do, let her be, even thought you had given your best advice to her. We can't make people think like us, but at least we shared our's experiences and provide them our solutions, is up to them to decide. However, I kind of like it, cause you really shown you are truthful friend, who is care and concern for friend until you got mad and speechless just because some of your dumb friend doesn't know to "think"...haha!

Lina, no worry about the visit or the gathering, we understanding. The gathering with Lily is postpone until she is back from her incentive trip. Therefore, SK suggested we carry on our gathering since you "might" be joining, but I suggested we visit you without Sheila instead of carry on the gathering in case you are too tired to go out. After my suggestion, I realized SK is carrying cough bug, so I re-consult her again to get your advice. Cause we also don't want SK accidentally transfer her cough gen to you. Don't worry about the visit and gathering, since you are back for good, we can gather and visit each others any time. By the way, you look fabulous at week 36th...haha!

I will be leaving to Australia on 9th March and be back on 15th, SK told me that your due date will fall on 18th, if Dino great arrival is fall on the expected date then maybe I can visit you at the Hospital. If not, I will visit you after your confinement, cause I don't want to create any inconvenience to you or PG if I want to visit you at home during your confinement, but please do post his handsome photos for us to share. Am I think too much or plan too much...hahaha! I guess I am.

Well, as you mentioned, we will be getting a mobile compact foldable changing pad for you so don't buy any since we are getting one for you.

Last be not least, anything you gals want from Australia. Please don't ask to buy stuff which is too big or too heavy, cause I traveling as backpacker, even worse, my period is fall on that travel times. Tension errr!


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