Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hello Hi Yo

This Shy ..... dunno how to describe her liao!! I'd u/stand she has to look for a car, then i told her forget abt the big car and luxury car car as currently she shd be concentrating on settling her debts ASAP and after that she can go buy a car as big as a hse, for all she likes .....now she shd only consider a car which is fuel economical and within her budget, THAT'S IT!!!! She said her hubby is very particular abt car performance-wor!!!!! Truly typically Sup Hmm Suk!!!!!!!!!! That's it, i won say another word nor give her any more advice, do whatever she feels like doing-lah!!

So happy for u Jess that u biz is back to normal & booming!!! Well, Jess let's hope next CNY u rmb to visit me-hoh! :) Hmmmm Jess is spending us ..... let's see, long time nvr eat lobster liao ..... oh oh also birds' nest etc ........ muahahahahahahhaahahaha!!!!

Our gathering how-ar? Lily won b able to join as she's going for her trip, are we going ahead with the plan-ar? Nana might b joining us-oh!! Why dun we have this one 1st and arrange for another one with Lily-lah at least we'll b able to c Nana very pregnant and right b4 delivery-mah!!!! Ha ha ha

Shy .... 4 mths pregnant, said now feel very tight & stretching-wor! I replied her if she's feeling tight & stretching by now, how is she gonna describe how she feels when she's 8 or 9 mths pregnant??? Like wanna LETUP-liao-ar???? Beh tahan her !

Having a terrible terrible cough last night! practically alomost non-stop from ~11pm until ~1:50 am!! Gosh ... at the end i had to half seated half lying down before i fell asleep, surely after 2am liao!!!! haih ............................................................ Hope for a speedy recovery!!!

That's all for now!!

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