Saturday, February 19, 2011

Life is back to normal again - Busy like hell!

Hi gals, i got a good news to share with all of you. My's company are delisted from the suspension listing. Business are back to normal with a minimum terms and conditions which it does not effect much to my company, its more about they internal procedures. Life now is back to busy, just newly released, they client are busy asking for quotation and placing order and demanded for delivery within the short deliver period. In view of that I had been busy coping with the orders. New year new start, wishing and praying this "Booming" will never come to the end and keep growing. So, in order to share my happy and joy, I would like to treat both of you for a dinner or lunch after Lina's confinement. Please do remind me on this..haha.

SK, sorry that I couldn't find a time to visit your house during this CNY, actually is my lose, cause I not only miss your ang pau but your sister's ang pau and your mothers too....haha. As for the gathering between Sheila, Lily, you and me, I will handle and arrange after I set a date with Lily. Will keep you in loop.

Nana, how you feel now as the day of Dino's arrival are approaching close? Feeling scare? or "kan cheong" to meet him in person. Take it easy buddy, nothing to worry. [p/s: me also "kan cheong" to meet Dino in person..haha]

Is there anything you wants, cause we were thinking to buying you a gift for your newborn as our baby shower gift to you. Please don't be hesitate to share with us, as long as it is within our budget, we will full fill your dream, right SK? hehe!

By the way Nana, I saw your facebook about your yoga teacher, Mr Vincent. What happen to him, care to shares, just baat gua only. Hope you don't mind...hehe.


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