Monday, February 28, 2011

Finally PG will b back today....relief coz I don hv to worry if I go into labor anytime hahaha...

Aiyoyo, no need so maafan la Jess, u go enjoy ur hol & don worry bout looking for d changing pad need waste ur time.... Can get it in Msia la.... Jusco oso hv....some baby shops oso hv.... I hv seen b4 tis brand First Years, which one of it's products is d compact changing pad la.... Anyway as I hv said, it's juz preference only, not necessary has to get it. Pls pls pls don waste ur time looking for it during ur hol in Ozie. Can get in Msia.

East coast for short break shud b good.... some nice resorts wif beaches there.... relaxing... SK, CNY break was not long ago wor, so fast looking fwd another break dy hehehe....

Ya, will keep u gals updated when Dino has arrived....

So many Posts for the last 10 days

Wow i must say i was kinda surprised to see so many posts on our blog!

1st & foremost, my cough bug, 99% gone liao!! Still got a lil discomfort at the throat only.

Jess, wow so "yau mui lek" until some stranger calling u 2 ask u out, but then dun play play, nowadays many many bad guys out there ..... just Ignore this crazy man!!

Jess, since u r going to Melbourne, pls look ard for Lina's baby shower gift as i looked ard last weekend, din see any though. This kind of things is more common in the kwai lo countries. I too hv not been to Melbourne (only been to Sydney), so no t much of advice to give u. Soli!!

Nana, today u r a super duper happy woman as yr darling PG is back! Spend the remaining "bachelors" days as hubby & wife b4 the arrival of Dino!!! Yup, from then onwards it'll be three-some!!!! Initially sure will b "Mmm kwan" but then u will get used to it in no time!!

School holidays starts fr 12 March - 20 March, so sis is arranging for a local short trip, most probably eat coast ..... mmm nvr been to east coast for so long liao!! Looking forward to a lil break !

Nana, rest rest rest kau kau, for yr undisturbed sleeping days will soon be over!! Take good care of yourself and do keep us in the loop of your "motherhood" and post photos on the blog!!

Jess, hv a wonderful trip & i aacept any kind of "sau soon"!! ha ha ha just joking!!



Saturday, February 26, 2011

No more secret...SHY sorta broadcast to d world she is expecting in FB

She is not keeping low profile anymore ah...she was too thrilled seeing her baby moved during scanning for d 1st time i guess.... tat she posted her feelings on her everyone commented, congratulated her etc.... She said 90% boy wor.... a 'he' baby... good for her

I hv only been to Sydney :)

Well, I think Melbourne shud b clean & safe too...well, no matter how safe we shud not take things for granted, tat's y I stil said take care of important travel docs to avoid unnecessary inconvenience to crop up. I think u may wan to pick places of interest tat u & Ann wanna go, I doubt u gals can cover all....mayb u can plan ur daily visit by u don waste time traveling too much.

Jess, u wont b staying many hours in your hotel, so juz get a basic one will do right. Wat I don fancy about backpacker hostel is u may b sharing rooms wif strangers u see, bcoz a room can comes wif example 3 double decker no privacy lor, whenever u need to change or sumting, u need to go bathroom...oso which means u need to lock up ur stuff in ur room when u r out.

PG will b bac on 1st Mar =) counting down... My mum coming, ard time I deliver gua.... Pack my hosp bag dy, juz a few stuff to dump in last min... Counting down to d end of my 'bachelor' days looo, no more freedom looo, has a lil one tagging along all time looo... I dunno yet whether I wud enjoy being a mommy! hahaha.... Will see how life goes after Dino is out... All I pray for now is Dino healthy, I will hv a peaceful confinement & a smooth wound recovery...other things I cannot worry much dy

Tat con-casanova stil calling/sms-ing u???

Friday, February 25, 2011

Is Melbourne Clean and Safe?

Ok, then we will visit you after your confinement period, but remember don't buy the mobile compact foldable changing pad since me and SK will get one as your baby shower gift.

When is PG coming back? When is your mum coming? Have you pack your bag? How you feel as Dino arrival is approaching near? I bet is must be felt "Great" being a mum.

Well, as for me now is busy booking hotel and planning the itinerary for the Australia trip. As am very fuzzy and particular about the cleanness of bath room, so I having a little argument on the hotel with Anne and the hotels rate is not cheap for a conformable room. I heard a lot of friends told me that the cleanness of Australia is so so only. Asked me don't take backpacker hostels, but backpacker hostel is very cheap and worthy.

Another headache issue is the itinerary, we don't know where to go, best to go and how to go. We had been browsing internet for the itinerary but start half way stop and re-start again then half way stop again due to interruption from works and calls. As we are de-listed from the suspension list, orders and quotations request coming in non-stop. Any best advice or tips where to go and how to plan our trip? Really appreciate a useful tips and advices now.

By the way, is it dangerous travelling in Australia, since you warn me about take care of my belonging?

Hope the con-casanova will left me alone, otherwise, if he dare to call me again, I'm going to dig out the name of the badminton kaki which he claimed. If he is genuine, he should be able to give me the name, if he not and give me a tom dick and harry's name, I going to make him embarrass kau kau...hahaha!


Best... I will try to see u guys after confinement k

Yes, Jess I agree wif u.... I think best to let me juggle with my initial 1-2mths as a 1st time parent esp... Let me settle down myself ... we shall meet up later after that, which is good - no hassle for everyone :) .... at d same time I'll keep u gals posted wif pics after Dino is out.... :)

Nope, nothing I need fr Ozie :) I hv been to Sydney b4 dy.... U enjoy ur hol & take many many pics ya... Do take care of ur important travel belongings :)

Mmmm.... Jess, u r smart....dunno wat's up wif tis guy stranger.... Many con-casanova out there nowadays.... further it is weird bcoz since u said u dun hv any badminton kaki frens ....

About Me!

Something to baat gua about me. Recently I got a call from this guy by the name of Steven.

He called me on 24th evening and asked me "How was it", he caught me at totally blur. I replied "What can I help you?", then he said he has sent me a sms, and asked what do I think of it. I told him that I didn't receive anything. So, he apologies and hang up. I just left it as it is. Later few hours on the same day, he sent me a sms, saying "Tomorrow what time go for yam cha?" claimed that he got my number from one of his badminton kaki friend and got to know from this friend as well that I'm still single and available. Thus, mentioned he is single too. I was busy at that moment when received such sms, I didn't reply immediately.

During the late evening, when I check my sms from client and saw his sms, thought of courtesy and reply his sms. The content is as follow:

"Hi Steven, I'm so impress and salute with your brave and daring approach, however, I guess your friend must be giving you the wrong number, cause not that I know off any of my friends are badminton kaki, therefore, I'm very sure you must get the wrong number. No doubt I'm single but I don't accept invitation from stranger. By the way, may I know your badminton kaki friend's name who gave you my number. Thanks and wishing you have a great day ahead."

I though being politely rejected his invitation will make him pause and stop, but the following day early in the morning, I got his call again. Asking me still recall the sms that he sent to me, but due to I'm driving without a bluetooth, so I quickly tell him off that I can't on the phone right now, call later.

Till now I haven't got his return call again, hopefully this crazy dog will not return back. I got a hunch this might be the syndicate that cheat single and lonely lady money as it is very hot news currently in local newspaper.

Am I think too much or too imaginative...hahaha!!...Who ever he is, am is more interested in his badminton kaki who gave away my number without hint at me. I will eat that person ALIVE! HAHAHA

Hope this will cheers up you gals baat gua sense to maximum...hahaha..


Australia....I'm coming!!

SK, take it easy. Whatever Shy wanted to do, let her be, even thought you had given your best advice to her. We can't make people think like us, but at least we shared our's experiences and provide them our solutions, is up to them to decide. However, I kind of like it, cause you really shown you are truthful friend, who is care and concern for friend until you got mad and speechless just because some of your dumb friend doesn't know to "think"...haha!

Lina, no worry about the visit or the gathering, we understanding. The gathering with Lily is postpone until she is back from her incentive trip. Therefore, SK suggested we carry on our gathering since you "might" be joining, but I suggested we visit you without Sheila instead of carry on the gathering in case you are too tired to go out. After my suggestion, I realized SK is carrying cough bug, so I re-consult her again to get your advice. Cause we also don't want SK accidentally transfer her cough gen to you. Don't worry about the visit and gathering, since you are back for good, we can gather and visit each others any time. By the way, you look fabulous at week 36th...haha!

I will be leaving to Australia on 9th March and be back on 15th, SK told me that your due date will fall on 18th, if Dino great arrival is fall on the expected date then maybe I can visit you at the Hospital. If not, I will visit you after your confinement, cause I don't want to create any inconvenience to you or PG if I want to visit you at home during your confinement, but please do post his handsome photos for us to share. Am I think too much or plan too much...hahaha! I guess I am.

Well, as you mentioned, we will be getting a mobile compact foldable changing pad for you so don't buy any since we are getting one for you.

Last be not least, anything you gals want from Australia. Please don't ask to buy stuff which is too big or too heavy, cause I traveling as backpacker, even worse, my period is fall on that travel times. Tension errr!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How do I look at Wk36

SK almost ng kaam yuen bcoz I rejected d idea for u gals to visit me b4 my delivery hahaha bcoz simply I don wan to risk catching SK's super cough bug! as it's getting near to due date... soli la gals, I don wan to risk it in anyway :) I need b as healthy as possible b4 & after delivery.... Touch wood 1st, coughing after surgery wud b a hell man wif d fresh wound! & I wan to try my best to breast feed exclusively too, so being sick is totally not a good idea! So here r couple pics of me taken very recently... belly 39inches now, feet & ankles more swollen.... cukup!?

Jess, when r u off to Ozie?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Really speechless.....

Really ng sik kong zhor.... both SHY & husband like to wander into fantasy, not being realistic of her or their current debts...they think d debts not burden enuff yet... Tis SHY pula dunno how to think, husband says wat she follows blindly... Well, we juz sit & watch la.

Mayb SHY small petite size, tat's y lil bit, she will feel tight & stretch...well she shud b glad, means her baby bump is growing

Hello Hi Yo

This Shy ..... dunno how to describe her liao!! I'd u/stand she has to look for a car, then i told her forget abt the big car and luxury car car as currently she shd be concentrating on settling her debts ASAP and after that she can go buy a car as big as a hse, for all she likes she shd only consider a car which is fuel economical and within her budget, THAT'S IT!!!! She said her hubby is very particular abt car performance-wor!!!!! Truly typically Sup Hmm Suk!!!!!!!!!! That's it, i won say another word nor give her any more advice, do whatever she feels like doing-lah!!

So happy for u Jess that u biz is back to normal & booming!!! Well, Jess let's hope next CNY u rmb to visit me-hoh! :) Hmmmm Jess is spending us ..... let's see, long time nvr eat lobster liao ..... oh oh also birds' nest etc ........ muahahahahahahhaahahaha!!!!

Our gathering how-ar? Lily won b able to join as she's going for her trip, are we going ahead with the plan-ar? Nana might b joining us-oh!! Why dun we have this one 1st and arrange for another one with Lily-lah at least we'll b able to c Nana very pregnant and right b4 delivery-mah!!!! Ha ha ha

Shy .... 4 mths pregnant, said now feel very tight & stretching-wor! I replied her if she's feeling tight & stretching by now, how is she gonna describe how she feels when she's 8 or 9 mths pregnant??? Like wanna LETUP-liao-ar???? Beh tahan her !

Having a terrible terrible cough last night! practically alomost non-stop from ~11pm until ~1:50 am!! Gosh ... at the end i had to half seated half lying down before i fell asleep, surely after 2am liao!!!! haih ............................................................ Hope for a speedy recovery!!!

That's all for now!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hello BFFs

Yay!!! Way to go Jess! U r bz for good reasons!!!! Keep it up :)

Jess, today SHY posted on her FB tat her perdana has been stolen while parked at 1U.... pity her....sigh... Juz hope she will have better days soon...

Well, my yoga sifu death... haih.... too sudden & too one wud expect tat to happen...not in a million yrs... he was perfectly well & fine, no symptoms or sick symptoms at all fact he was conducting training 22-28th Jan in Kuching. Then he was bac in KL & 30th Jan he was not feeling well suddenly, tot he had stomach upset & food he juz went to see a normal doc in a clinic, given some food poisoning medications...then he continued to be sick & weaker until he cud not crawl out of his sickbed...on 8th, his aunty advised him to admit to hosp dy, rather than visiting d clinic again & again bcoz he was not getting better. So he admitted to Pantai Bangsar for some tests & a CT scan...scan showed a dark shadow inside his then his condition started to get worse...very fast...his belly was bloated...he was weaker & weaker...doc suspected liver infection & d growth inside d liver was actually getting bigger too fast...then on 13th, his condition became worse, he was admitted to ICU bcoz he had breathing difficulty & his kidney function was deteriorating, according to doc infection spreading...his platelet count was very low, even juz poke needle, he bleed continuously I doc had no choice but to wait for him to be more stable b4 they did a biopsy for him...tat was to take out some tissue to test for growth etc....cancerous or not etc.... I think he did biopsy on 14th Feb, then 15th Feb ard 1250am he passed away...peacefully... so u see, juz took 2wks so to end his life....he was 44yrs old when he passed away on 15th Feb...he didnt pass his bday on 21st He was cremated & his ashes was released into d sea. Live life to fullest man, nvr know wat will happen tmr & so on....

It was a HUGE lost in d yoga community in Msia...really no one can replace him....sigh

SK said u gals will b meeting up at MidV tis Sat 4-7pm....I'll see how I feel, if I m not too tired on tat day, I shall appear :P difficult to predict these days esp towards due date....

Well, tq 1st & foremost for ur thotfulness to get sumting for Dino...haha... Wat I think cud b useful will b tat cloth to cover d body while breastfeeding in public areas or a mobile compact foldable changing pad...otherwise I m totally fine with anything u gals choose :)

We have got several dates for delivery, will discuss wif doc tis Fri when I go for check up again. We will let u gals know when Dino has arrived hahaha... as for now , d sifu who calculated d dates for us advises us not to broadcast d dates 1st bcoz afraid d more broadcast, then 'backfire' & it doesnt happen on d day we intend to welcome Dino.... will keep u gals posted, don worry :) & don kan cheong, Jess... i don wan to b kan cheong oso...hahaha

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Life is back to normal again - Busy like hell!

Hi gals, i got a good news to share with all of you. My's company are delisted from the suspension listing. Business are back to normal with a minimum terms and conditions which it does not effect much to my company, its more about they internal procedures. Life now is back to busy, just newly released, they client are busy asking for quotation and placing order and demanded for delivery within the short deliver period. In view of that I had been busy coping with the orders. New year new start, wishing and praying this "Booming" will never come to the end and keep growing. So, in order to share my happy and joy, I would like to treat both of you for a dinner or lunch after Lina's confinement. Please do remind me on this..haha.

SK, sorry that I couldn't find a time to visit your house during this CNY, actually is my lose, cause I not only miss your ang pau but your sister's ang pau and your mothers too....haha. As for the gathering between Sheila, Lily, you and me, I will handle and arrange after I set a date with Lily. Will keep you in loop.

Nana, how you feel now as the day of Dino's arrival are approaching close? Feeling scare? or "kan cheong" to meet him in person. Take it easy buddy, nothing to worry. [p/s: me also "kan cheong" to meet Dino in person..haha]

Is there anything you wants, cause we were thinking to buying you a gift for your newborn as our baby shower gift to you. Please don't be hesitate to share with us, as long as it is within our budget, we will full fill your dream, right SK? hehe!

By the way Nana, I saw your facebook about your yoga teacher, Mr Vincent. What happen to him, care to shares, just baat gua only. Hope you don't mind...hehe.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day my dear BFFs

Oh, tat CNY eve, in d end we went to Ipoh Oldtown restaurant, bcoz we wanted chinese food :) But then on lunar 2nd, we stil ended up in Delicious at 1U bcoz not much choices, chinese restaurants stil closed or otherwise those tat opened packed!

MORE photos @ Delicious

The photo on top was the 3rd type of starter that we ordered - Lebanese bread, taste so so only and at the bottom another snap of the deco near the place where we had our desserts!! I liked the "naked" white tree barnches & the bird cages, Unique!!!

Sharing some of the photos which my colleagues took at Delicious (they love to snap photos)!
The salmon angel-hair that one of them ordered, followed by also a Grilled Salmon dish, quite yummy too!! and the bottom photo was the bird cage deco that i talked abt-lor!!

SALADS @ Delicious

The above were the starters which we ordered at Delicious during the dept outing recently! The bottom one was the mango salad that was real yummy!!!! The one on top also very nice, with chicken, cranberry, avocado etc!!
Lina, did you go to Delicious for your CNY eve dinner at the end? How do you find the food there??


TKR saying "Hi" to Aunty Lina & Jess Cheh Cheh!!!

How time flies ...... the Golden Rabbit CNY will soon come to an end ..... until next year the Year of the Mighty DRAGON for Jess!!!!!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

May this golden rabbit will bring a lots lots lots fun, happiness, health and wealth to me and my BFF.
