Saturday, December 31, 2011

HappY NeW YeaR!!

Hi Buddy, wishing you and your family Happy New Year, may 2012 will be another great year with more love, caring, successful and smooth career path.
As for me, 2012 will be another more hardworking year for me and my business partner. Cause I heard a lots of businessman and economic analyst commented that 2012 will be a bad year in economic with globalization recession is coming soon. Therefore, I need to work more harder and save more money for the rain day, hoping the rain and storm is not strong and long. Maybe I can create another business profile during the period and turn into another great opportunities. What ever it is, wish my luck and smooth business path in 2012 and 2013. Namaste,

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Age vs size

Jo's babies are about a week plus older than Yvan boy... her dotter about 2.5yrs old
I have a giant baby!

The joy of packing....

... for a yoga workshop tis wkN! oh my, it is such a fresh feeling & excitement while packing my little bag getting ready partially for the workshop.... I know u guys might say "isnt tat a bit early to get ready??? Today's only Thurs" .... hahaha, ya I know... I wud hv tons of other things to get ready b4 my mum comes on Sat to babysit Yvan... I juz don wan to be overstimulated/overstressed myself b4 the workshop :) I think this is one of the greatest treats for myself & to wrap up my 2011 !!!!

Will b jingling our way to HK 23-27th Dec ... umpteen years ady that I hv not celebrated xmas overseas! It's gonna b packed I guess, hustle bustle of the festive season in HK! plus we have a Yvan boy to handle... plus cold weather.... & the packing part wont b easy too....

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cute blur Rudolph

It's end of 2011....

Time flies esp tis yr for me.... gosh, how many times we hv had outing tis yr....the least times I guess compared to previous yrs....

Coming wkN I m attending a yoga workshop...yes finally a lil treat for myself....after an interval of more than a yr!!!!!! geez! At the same time I will b worried too bcoz my mum gonna come over to babysit Yvan for 2days... I'll juz let my mum's nature takes its course... I need to let go & juz go & enjoy my time in workshop!

sansan coming back mid Dec & my mum will b here in KL again til 2012 ... I will hv helpers! Yay! & I see some relief... yay! hopefully...haha

We had only given him once tat teething biscuit... 1st time he sure loves it.... aftertat dunno la...haha... quite messy & hv to clean up bits & pieces after he done with biscuit.... Ya, I like tat pic whr he smelled d biscuit so close to his nose hahaha...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Melli klismes

Thanks Jess Babe!

Really pretty purse! LIKE! LIKE! LIKE!

Ng Seah Taak Chaak the wrapping le

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

28 November

I am sure very very glad that i have fully recovered from my tonsil problem!! So, see u gals & Yvan & PG this coming Monday!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Jess, sorry to hear bout ur good fren's passing...

A good genuine fren is hard to come by, I agree, we shud really treasure such fren/frens.....

Yvan: Auntie Jess, don b sad, u hv me :-D .... But I can't promis u I wont cry/cranky when I see u soon

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


28th is On!!!

Gals, lets meet up on 28th morning, as for the venue where to meet, i leave it to Lina to decide in order to make her convenience to bring Yvan along =)


Monday, November 7, 2011

I like the $$$$$$$$$$ background!!!

Yo Yo Yo
Aiya ....... i thot i missed a lot of posts, well, there were a number of posts BUT all posted in November-mah!! I hv checked the blog a few times in Oct ....... nothing new.... then i was rather bz so din check much on the blog ......
Jess, would very much appreciate if you could make separate arrangement to visit Seremban so that we can meet on 28 Nov. Arigato in advance!! He he he Do keep Lina & I on the loop abt it!
This year's investment income is a big big NO GOOD!!!! I'd be happy if the earnings could covered my Beijing family trip in August 2011!! :( Hmmmm lets hope for a better investment year in 2012!!!
That's abt all for now, we shall chat again when we meet up!!!

finally seeing some ONG-ness of our blog ....

....with this new wall paper background =))

who said not shiok Jess' Japan trip.... I think SHY said not shiok right.... I know y dy, when one doesnt hv the freedom to spend any amt of $$$...then things bcome boh shiok

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Trip to Japan - 5th Day

M.I.C.K.E.Y M.O.U.S.E = Mickey Mouse. Today is Disneyland time, whole day we spend at Disneyland play, adventure and having ton of fun.

Taking photo with the cartoon icon was the most fun part. \(^o^)/ kawaii!!

The next day morning, after breakfast we straight heading to Narita Airport ready to go home. Of course, me and my sister, did the final round shopping again at free duty shop buying, Kanebo, green tea's tea powder, SKII, Choya, perfume and green tea kitkat chocolate.

No doubt the cost of living is high in Japan, but the quality and unique of the items is worth of buying, we didn't spend much on try out the food and drink like others, instead we spend our money more on buying stuff to used and keep.

I'm sure will go again to Japan, but not sooo soon. Need to save more money. Lets go together ya.


My Trip to Japan - 4th Day

After breakfast, when we about leaving the hotel to Tokyo, the tour guide told us the Mt Fuji can be seen clearly at the backyard of the hotel, everyone gone crazy and went to the backyard taking photo of the Mt Fuji...including us as well...haha!!

So, we reached Tokyo at last. 1st stop was the Asakusa Kannon Temple, before we sight seeing around the temple we went for our lunch, can you believe that, we was given 15mins for lunch and then 45mins for sight seeing at the Temple, surrounding the temple there are a lots of souvenir shops just like our Petaling Street (but of course more organise, clean and interesting then our Petaling Street la) crazy travel agent.

Again, we was been told by the tour guide the Green Tea ice-cream here is the best ice-cream ever, recommended taste is Green tea (of course) and sesame ice-cream. For me always is Green Tea.

Next stop is Ginza, where you can find a lots of branded brand stuff at here, we was brought to Burberry shop, at first I thought want to buy a wallet for myself as reward for hard work, but the design not my cup of tea, so save money for more green tea ice-cream. =)

After a high end class shopping, now we went to a lower class shopping, Harajuku which is famous with unique street fashion. Unfortunately, the weather was cloudy with rain, we didn't see many unique fashion boy and girl walk around. After Harajuku we went to Shinjuku a major commercial and administrative center.

After we had dinner (tempura style), we heading back to hotel and tonight will be our last night staying in city, cause tomorrow we stay at the hotel which is near Tokyo airport, our flight home is morning.

So, we hang around at the busy street near the hotel, we went for Ramen, it is a fast food Ramen, taste very bad, all I tasted just salty only, nothing more, when we walk back to hotel, we saw this traditional typical Ramen stall, regretted we ate at the fast food store.


My Trip to Japan - 3rd Day

We was been told that the hotel we staying are the tallest hotels in Toyohashi, so I snap a photo from our hotel room. It look like I'm standing at the top of the world.

Finally, Mt Fuji National Park Area. Before we heading to Mt Fuji, we went to Owakudani boiling volcano, nothing woohaa here just try out the boiling egg that all, then we heading to Level 5 of the Mt Fuji. Very super cold and cool. But we can't see the Mt Fuji cause it was cover by heavy fog. So, we go Peace Park Garden, just a pagoda with a lots of Lion Stone.

On our way back to hotel, we drop by this village, it was so beautiful, clean, nice and peaceful. There is a pond, and the water was soo clear until you can see clearly the bottom of the pond and the depth is 8'ft.

We stay at the typical Japanese style hotel, where they have Hot Spring Spa, you need to be naked in order to go into the hot tub, I was way to shy to try out, so I pass but my sister on another hand go and dare herself, she said the experience was awesome.
