Monday, November 7, 2011

I like the $$$$$$$$$$ background!!!

Yo Yo Yo
Aiya ....... i thot i missed a lot of posts, well, there were a number of posts BUT all posted in November-mah!! I hv checked the blog a few times in Oct ....... nothing new.... then i was rather bz so din check much on the blog ......
Jess, would very much appreciate if you could make separate arrangement to visit Seremban so that we can meet on 28 Nov. Arigato in advance!! He he he Do keep Lina & I on the loop abt it!
This year's investment income is a big big NO GOOD!!!! I'd be happy if the earnings could covered my Beijing family trip in August 2011!! :( Hmmmm lets hope for a better investment year in 2012!!!
That's abt all for now, we shall chat again when we meet up!!!

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