Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The joy of packing....

... for a yoga workshop tis wkN! oh my, it is such a fresh feeling & excitement while packing my little bag getting ready partially for the workshop.... I know u guys might say "isnt tat a bit early to get ready??? Today's only Thurs" .... hahaha, ya I know... I wud hv tons of other things to get ready b4 my mum comes on Sat to babysit Yvan... I juz don wan to be overstimulated/overstressed myself b4 the workshop :) I think this is one of the greatest treats for myself & to wrap up my 2011 !!!!

Will b jingling our way to HK 23-27th Dec ... umpteen years ady that I hv not celebrated xmas overseas! It's gonna b packed I guess, hustle bustle of the festive season in HK! plus we have a Yvan boy to handle... plus cold weather.... & the packing part wont b easy too....

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