Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ming Thian Hui Geng Hau (there will b a Better Tmr)

Jess dear, that's the REAL world out there-lor and sadly speaking, bad ppl or evil minded ppl out cast the good ones-lor, if u asked me! All sorts of evil ppl out there .... selfish ones, selfless ones, heartless ones, demanding ones, cruel ones, LCLY ones, multi-face ones, small gas ones, kan chaan ones ....etc!!!

You've got 2 b strong both physically & mentally to strive through all the obstacles in front of you and from what u have described, i must say you are on the right track to oversome the crisis!! SYABAS!!

Stop thinking abt work and just concentrate in enjoying your Vietnam trip, since your friends have already arranged the necessary itenerary for you!!

Nana, for yr infor, Green Packets ranked 3rd in my mind when i decided to go TS open hse this year (well, at the end of the day din make it either!) 1st thing was to meet up with ppl like Rowena, Wai Cheng, Aznan, Nadiah, Aziq, TS & of coz LPC! 2nd-ly was to "makan" all the nice yummy cookies & other foods (as apart from Prima malays, i dun hv any other malay friends-lah) and 3rd-ly, for the kids to have green pau-lah of coz!! So, dun say-lah until i soooooooo $$$ face-mah :<

Aiyoyo, 3 mths ahead of my Korea trip but already busy stocking up winter clothing & accessories like hats, scarf, gloves etc. So far already spent >RM2,500 buying Parka Jackets, Sweaters etc for the team members. Still got a bit more shopping to go somemore but then shd b during YES time (YES = Year End Sales which shd start in end Nov & Dec) as Mega Sale ended officially yesterday!!

Lily's case, as far as i know, she bought the lil apartment that she & her princess are living in now. Also she has already changed her marital status to "Single" in FB. This hubby (or shd i say Ex-hubby) of hers ..... haih .... another typical Sap-Mmm-Sok type-lah!! I think they are better off on their own-lah!!

As for Shella's new condo/apartment case, if not mistaken, Mars told me it's joint name between Shella & Ganesh and that Shella had bought over Ganesh half! But then honestly, is her marriage really a "happy" one eventhough hubby, kids & she live under one roof????? I mean, if she is "happy" i guess she wouldn't behave like she's behaving now, rite? and if she's not happy, y dun she just do like Lily??? She always like dun bother abt her hubby but then she nvr really proceeded to file for divorce ......simply dun understand-lah sometimes!! that's Y there is this saying "Jia Jia Yew Ben Nan Nian De Jing" which means (translation for Lina)every family has got its own problems and sometimes u c me good i c u good but in actual fact, only v ourselves know whether v r good or not-lor!!

Anyway, Jess .... Lina & I will always b there for u, b it listening 2 yr problems or sharing yr happy news!!!


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