Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cosy Opis you have there


soli soli hv not been assessing our blog for many weeks dy!

Wow, Jess .... cosy opis u hv there indeed!! (except the curtain though, ha ha ha) I especially like the design of the yr opis desk-ler!! I also wanna visit yr opis-oh!!! After looking at yr opis, i lagi dare not snap any photos of my opis ........ my opis very "old fashion-lah".... wait until I shift to the new admin block, sometime next year, hopefully then the opis is "modern" enuf (It's still under construction now) to snap some photos!

So, now that Puasa is over so Jess you shd b free to go gai gai with me-lor!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for yr gai gai sms for weeks-liao!! But then i know u r very bz making $$$$$$-lor!! Hey, when is YCC's birthday-ar? Perhaps v can ask her out to hv gathering cum b'day lunch, how???


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