Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Is my honor to be "Auntie Jess"!

Ya, it is something bad. It's about business. My competitor used few dirty trick and trying to kick my company out from one of our core client base. I was furious, scared at the same time angry, this bastard really trigger my anger, I'm need to high in EQ, play smart, watch my back, also need to struggle to close as much as sales to maintain the operation.

After so many years working on my own, this is the 1st time, I faced business crisis. It made me lose faith, focus and concentration for a while. Shortly, when I gather back all my thoughts, I manage overcome myself. Same thing happened to my sister too. Thats the main reason why I didn't call SK out for gathering and reply your SMS on time.

Now that my company are temporary suspended from this particular core client, I need to be careful in the work in progress ordered production and upcoming delivery before the suspension to avoid and provide another excuses to pro-long the suspension period. I work thru the holiday and try to speed up the production and deliver the goods before any changes on the sales and ordered close earlier.

I never thought I can be such angry and nightmare. It make me know myself better. The Vietnam trip was a replacement trip of Bangkok which we called off due to escape the riot happened earlier of this year in Bangkok. We allow to canx but no refund of money, instead Air Asia allowed us to select others trip within 2 weeks time otherwise, the money will burn. Therefore, my friend de-tour the trip to Vietnam, now that I'm having problems, it really kill my mood to travel. I don't even know what was the itinerary, just tag along with the team. "Sau soon", no problem, but I was being told that Hanoi got nothing much interesting, Ho Chi Ming is the shopping paradise, which very likely I will be hunting new suppliers in Ho Chi Ming in this coming year end, by then I will get you useful "sau soon" which also my expertise - Bag.

Thing happen like that, I can't share much with my parent, I can't talk or discuss it within my house, cause I made them worried, I don't want to make them even more worry about me, my sister and the business . I don't even share this issue with any of my friends, except you two.

Jean called my before the Raya, checking with me whether I going to TS open house on the 1st day, she wanted to go with me and then visit YCC for lunch/dinner to celebrate her belated b'day. I turn down her offer without any explanation, except told her I need to work due to oversea soon. But TS open house will be still happening even without two of us, and I guess he don't even notice we didn't visit him this year.

So sweet of TKR, I won't feel offended or up sad being called "Auntie Jess", instead I felt is an honor and respect. So next time, when TKR see me be it he call "Auntie Jess" or "Jess Jie Jie", all I can "tak pau", no need to correct him. In fact, my the other close friend's daughter also called my "Auntie Jess" since I taught her when she still a baby.


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