Thursday, September 16, 2010

I can feel ur frust & stress by just reading it, Jess....

Jess, hang on there! I m sure ur company will get thru this obstacle... The society is full of selfless & selfish ppl esp when $$$ is involved...sad to say tat... while I was stil in Prima, those suppliers we have to faced them with a mask, they oso nvr stop taking advantage fr us. Everyone juz wan the benefits for themselves & who give a damn care bout the rest. Many "kaan chaan" out there! Really need to open eyes wide... The tough part for u oso that u cant discuss it with ur family...tat's even more stressing... I wish I cud do something to help u out now...anything, do let me know. Is the suspension lifted off now?

Hanoi... I heard pretty cheap to eat & stay & visit... they hv nice bags too, fake ones but very nice. I rmbr Mavis (PG's sis) bot me kipling there.... cheap & pretty. I think u will love it. Also they sell lots of very nice beaded bags. I saw Mavis' b4, nice & very cheap (bargain!). I don need sau soon, u juz go & enjoy ur trip with a light & hassle-free mind. Don worry about itinerary, let others handle for u. Free ur mind & recharge urself to regain watever strength u once lost in the past weeks.

Aiya, u shud hv told Jean to ajak SK instead to TS house!! SK was so LONGING for her green paos!!! Darn, she has to miss it this yr & looking fwd next yr wor! Sorry SK, I cant stop myself teasing u over it la bcoz u sounded desperate for $$$ green paos hahaha... During my attachment with Prima, I nvr visited TS b4 on Raya, alwiz find excuse to avoid going. I m not as green pao-minded as u la, SK hahaha

I am kinda cud sense tat Lily has been having trouble with her hus bcoz her hus nvr "in the picture" ady for a long long time... sad to see another person going thru divorce. But it's best for her & Jackie since her hus oso a gambler, plus involves Ah Long now. For her & Jackie's safety, best to stay away fr her hus

Actually part of ah La's story I knew too, like rship wif Ganesh & marriage in India. However not the drama in hosp. Ya lor, seen ah La's if she is single & juz throw herself into men! Poor her hus & kids... I cant imagine how they stay under the same roof.

Jess babe, u r super popular! SK wans kai kai wif u la, Jean oso la. But they r in queue now :P hahaha.... Jess, I guess I will see u & SK in 2011 :) I shall b bac end of Dec...

Despite in the midst of u very "faan" now wif ur business, u stil find time to update us so many things! thks babe! Stay calm & cool k... Everything gonna b over & fine soon!

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