Thursday, September 30, 2010

Counting down.....

I am counting down to go home in Nov.... kekeke

I am counting down to my black vinegar preserved ginger kekekeke

SK is counting down to her Macau trip.... kekekeke

We r counting down to our reunion again...kekekeke

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ming Thian Hui Geng Hau (there will b a Better Tmr)

Jess dear, that's the REAL world out there-lor and sadly speaking, bad ppl or evil minded ppl out cast the good ones-lor, if u asked me! All sorts of evil ppl out there .... selfish ones, selfless ones, heartless ones, demanding ones, cruel ones, LCLY ones, multi-face ones, small gas ones, kan chaan ones ....etc!!!

You've got 2 b strong both physically & mentally to strive through all the obstacles in front of you and from what u have described, i must say you are on the right track to oversome the crisis!! SYABAS!!

Stop thinking abt work and just concentrate in enjoying your Vietnam trip, since your friends have already arranged the necessary itenerary for you!!

Nana, for yr infor, Green Packets ranked 3rd in my mind when i decided to go TS open hse this year (well, at the end of the day din make it either!) 1st thing was to meet up with ppl like Rowena, Wai Cheng, Aznan, Nadiah, Aziq, TS & of coz LPC! 2nd-ly was to "makan" all the nice yummy cookies & other foods (as apart from Prima malays, i dun hv any other malay friends-lah) and 3rd-ly, for the kids to have green pau-lah of coz!! So, dun say-lah until i soooooooo $$$ face-mah :<

Aiyoyo, 3 mths ahead of my Korea trip but already busy stocking up winter clothing & accessories like hats, scarf, gloves etc. So far already spent >RM2,500 buying Parka Jackets, Sweaters etc for the team members. Still got a bit more shopping to go somemore but then shd b during YES time (YES = Year End Sales which shd start in end Nov & Dec) as Mega Sale ended officially yesterday!!

Lily's case, as far as i know, she bought the lil apartment that she & her princess are living in now. Also she has already changed her marital status to "Single" in FB. This hubby (or shd i say Ex-hubby) of hers ..... haih .... another typical Sap-Mmm-Sok type-lah!! I think they are better off on their own-lah!!

As for Shella's new condo/apartment case, if not mistaken, Mars told me it's joint name between Shella & Ganesh and that Shella had bought over Ganesh half! But then honestly, is her marriage really a "happy" one eventhough hubby, kids & she live under one roof????? I mean, if she is "happy" i guess she wouldn't behave like she's behaving now, rite? and if she's not happy, y dun she just do like Lily??? She always like dun bother abt her hubby but then she nvr really proceeded to file for divorce ......simply dun understand-lah sometimes!! that's Y there is this saying "Jia Jia Yew Ben Nan Nian De Jing" which means (translation for Lina)every family has got its own problems and sometimes u c me good i c u good but in actual fact, only v ourselves know whether v r good or not-lor!!

Anyway, Jess .... Lina & I will always b there for u, b it listening 2 yr problems or sharing yr happy news!!!


I can feel ur frust & stress by just reading it, Jess....

Jess, hang on there! I m sure ur company will get thru this obstacle... The society is full of selfless & selfish ppl esp when $$$ is involved...sad to say tat... while I was stil in Prima, those suppliers we have to faced them with a mask, they oso nvr stop taking advantage fr us. Everyone juz wan the benefits for themselves & who give a damn care bout the rest. Many "kaan chaan" out there! Really need to open eyes wide... The tough part for u oso that u cant discuss it with ur family...tat's even more stressing... I wish I cud do something to help u out now...anything, do let me know. Is the suspension lifted off now?

Hanoi... I heard pretty cheap to eat & stay & visit... they hv nice bags too, fake ones but very nice. I rmbr Mavis (PG's sis) bot me kipling there.... cheap & pretty. I think u will love it. Also they sell lots of very nice beaded bags. I saw Mavis' b4, nice & very cheap (bargain!). I don need sau soon, u juz go & enjoy ur trip with a light & hassle-free mind. Don worry about itinerary, let others handle for u. Free ur mind & recharge urself to regain watever strength u once lost in the past weeks.

Aiya, u shud hv told Jean to ajak SK instead to TS house!! SK was so LONGING for her green paos!!! Darn, she has to miss it this yr & looking fwd next yr wor! Sorry SK, I cant stop myself teasing u over it la bcoz u sounded desperate for $$$ green paos hahaha... During my attachment with Prima, I nvr visited TS b4 on Raya, alwiz find excuse to avoid going. I m not as green pao-minded as u la, SK hahaha

I am kinda cud sense tat Lily has been having trouble with her hus bcoz her hus nvr "in the picture" ady for a long long time... sad to see another person going thru divorce. But it's best for her & Jackie since her hus oso a gambler, plus involves Ah Long now. For her & Jackie's safety, best to stay away fr her hus

Actually part of ah La's story I knew too, like rship wif Ganesh & marriage in India. However not the drama in hosp. Ya lor, seen ah La's if she is single & juz throw herself into men! Poor her hus & kids... I cant imagine how they stay under the same roof.

Jess babe, u r super popular! SK wans kai kai wif u la, Jean oso la. But they r in queue now :P hahaha.... Jess, I guess I will see u & SK in 2011 :) I shall b bac end of Dec...

Despite in the midst of u very "faan" now wif ur business, u stil find time to update us so many things! thks babe! Stay calm & cool k... Everything gonna b over & fine soon!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gossip Time!

Lily called my few weeks ago, asked for direction. Then she asked my out for a dinner near by my house, I can't turn down since it is near my house, then I find out it was a direct selling seminar, so I gave other excuse to escape and instead invite her for drinks after she done with the seminar.

Here come the gossip, during our chit chat I found out that Sheila was married to Ganesh during they trip to India. Unofficially Sheila is Mrs Ganesh in Malaysia, but is official in India. After the marriage, both of them bought a house in Malaysia, I guess both of them thought of started and having another new life. Unfortunately, thing turn bad, Ganesh was injured his neck till he admitted to hospital, Ganesh's Malaysia official wife was there to company him, when his official wife left hospital heading home, then only Sheila will turn up to take over the wife role. Out of the sudden, Ganesh's official wife return back and saw the scene, and both wifey started argue and quarrel in the hospital, prior to that, Ganesh's wife already suspected something hanky panky between Ganesh and Sheila, and now with her witness the scene and confirm her suspicious. All three of them made a drama in the hospital.

Sheila was sad and angry, claimed that she also his wife, she also wanted to perform her role as a wife, but Ganesh seem to be not think in that way, and this lead to their broke off. About the house sharing between Ganesh and Sheila, I guess the property was bought by Sheila, cause she invited her current and official husband and children to move over and stayed at the new house, while the old house rent out. And this incident, also change Sheila to who she is now. Sad.

As for Lily, she is in the midst of undergo filling divorce. Reason being, her husband cheated on her (she suspected), late home sometime not even go home, Jackie their daughter also hardly see her dad, never perform his husband duty role by responsible the wife and child's expenses , even worse, Kent (her husband) is addicted to gamble, till "Ah Long" visit their house with red paint all over the car porch. The "Ah Long" incident trigger Lily wanted to divorce with condition, she want Jackie full custody, cause she wanted to provide Jackie a healthy life. she also force Kent to be responsible partial of Jackie's monthly expenses otherwise, he don't even think of see his daughter or take her out for outing in future.

Lily are move out from the in law house, now she move to Taman Danua apartment, I don't know she bought or rent, but she claimed she can effort and handle her life without the hubby. Cause every months she manage to hit target easily and spend more time with Jackie during her office hour. Another sad story.

That all for now, share more when I got free time to meet Jean cause, she also got something to update me but I don't have time for her yet.


Is my honor to be "Auntie Jess"!

Ya, it is something bad. It's about business. My competitor used few dirty trick and trying to kick my company out from one of our core client base. I was furious, scared at the same time angry, this bastard really trigger my anger, I'm need to high in EQ, play smart, watch my back, also need to struggle to close as much as sales to maintain the operation.

After so many years working on my own, this is the 1st time, I faced business crisis. It made me lose faith, focus and concentration for a while. Shortly, when I gather back all my thoughts, I manage overcome myself. Same thing happened to my sister too. Thats the main reason why I didn't call SK out for gathering and reply your SMS on time.

Now that my company are temporary suspended from this particular core client, I need to be careful in the work in progress ordered production and upcoming delivery before the suspension to avoid and provide another excuses to pro-long the suspension period. I work thru the holiday and try to speed up the production and deliver the goods before any changes on the sales and ordered close earlier.

I never thought I can be such angry and nightmare. It make me know myself better. The Vietnam trip was a replacement trip of Bangkok which we called off due to escape the riot happened earlier of this year in Bangkok. We allow to canx but no refund of money, instead Air Asia allowed us to select others trip within 2 weeks time otherwise, the money will burn. Therefore, my friend de-tour the trip to Vietnam, now that I'm having problems, it really kill my mood to travel. I don't even know what was the itinerary, just tag along with the team. "Sau soon", no problem, but I was being told that Hanoi got nothing much interesting, Ho Chi Ming is the shopping paradise, which very likely I will be hunting new suppliers in Ho Chi Ming in this coming year end, by then I will get you useful "sau soon" which also my expertise - Bag.

Thing happen like that, I can't share much with my parent, I can't talk or discuss it within my house, cause I made them worried, I don't want to make them even more worry about me, my sister and the business . I don't even share this issue with any of my friends, except you two.

Jean called my before the Raya, checking with me whether I going to TS open house on the 1st day, she wanted to go with me and then visit YCC for lunch/dinner to celebrate her belated b'day. I turn down her offer without any explanation, except told her I need to work due to oversea soon. But TS open house will be still happening even without two of us, and I guess he don't even notice we didn't visit him this year.

So sweet of TKR, I won't feel offended or up sad being called "Auntie Jess", instead I felt is an honor and respect. So next time, when TKR see me be it he call "Auntie Jess" or "Jess Jie Jie", all I can "tak pau", no need to correct him. In fact, my the other close friend's daughter also called my "Auntie Jess" since I taught her when she still a baby.


Sunday, September 12, 2010



I agreed with Lina-ler ... Jess, the way you put it so "secretly" made me "xin yang yang" (direct translation into english means heart itchy-itchy) and at the same time have a rather odd feeling - could it be something not very good to know or .......... ????

Anyway, 1st day of Raya initially decided to pay TS a visit on his Open Day but then Teh Kai Ren (TKR) woke up after his afternoon nap got Fever pulak .... shortly after that even vomited .... there goes all my Raya visiting mood-lor!!!

Wow, you are going to Vietnam .... Mmmm what is nice in Vietnam-ler?? :-) Have a wonderful trip there and enjoy yourself!! Don't forget our "sau soon" (sau soon = buah tangan) Hahaha!

Jess, my TKR seemed to miss you-oh ... he "mentioned" you twice in the past 3 months-oh!! He calls you "Auntie Jess" i quickly corrected him to "Jess cheh cheh"!! :p


I m too free & baat gua.... Jess, u mind share ur long story here...hahaha

If only ur long story can b put into words :D hahaha

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya!! Ha ha

During fasting month we was granted a job for Hari Raya, that order make hell of my life. Sorry SK, can't make it 'gai gai' with you during fasting month as I promised. Then approaching Raya Holiday, got another order on Malaysia Day, just a small order, but since I won't be around next weekend 17th September, therefore, I have to work thru this Raya Holiday to complete the production before I leave to Vietnam.

I will be leaving to Vietnam on 17th and back on 22nd, follow by out station to Batu Pahat and Muar on 24th to 26th. Looks like me and SK 'gai gai' mission only can launch on early of Oct'10.

As for YCC b'day, we invite her next round, cause I got number of stuff wanted to share with you SK, with YCC around might not so convenience i guess. Hope you don't mind. Lina, Is a long story, next time when you back to M'sia will share with you again.

By the way, thanks for all the compliments about my office, next around when Lina back to Malaysia, I bring all of you to my office and dine out at Cheras.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

YCC bday...

Opps...I think on 6th Sept....I oso forgotten to sms....haha
Y Jess bz over puasa mth? I thot SK mentioned Jess will b free-er during Ramadan mth...
Here long hol for PG lor...started Wed till Sunday! But then UAE doesnt hv much hols other than this big one...sigh!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cosy Opis you have there


soli soli hv not been assessing our blog for many weeks dy!

Wow, Jess .... cosy opis u hv there indeed!! (except the curtain though, ha ha ha) I especially like the design of the yr opis desk-ler!! I also wanna visit yr opis-oh!!! After looking at yr opis, i lagi dare not snap any photos of my opis ........ my opis very "old fashion-lah".... wait until I shift to the new admin block, sometime next year, hopefully then the opis is "modern" enuf (It's still under construction now) to snap some photos!

So, now that Puasa is over so Jess you shd b free to go gai gai with me-lor!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for yr gai gai sms for weeks-liao!! But then i know u r very bz making $$$$$$-lor!! Hey, when is YCC's birthday-ar? Perhaps v can ask her out to hv gathering cum b'day lunch, how???


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wat's up on Raya

Is it a long stretch of hol during raya? Wat u gals doing :) I am GLAD puasa mth here over soon!!!! Very inconvenience when we don't hv d freedom to eat & drink in public here.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Yes :)

Yes, would be honored to visit ur opis in my next trip back :D .... nice that it takes u only 5 mins drive fr home to opis!!!! U can zzzz in !!!! Hahaha!