Sunday, April 3, 2011

What An Expensive Lunch!!!!

Today, me joined Jean for lunch with Cheng, Jean's hubby and her relative at Equatorial Hotel for Jap's Food, sooo expensive RM107 per pax but the satisfaction are great, but expensive lor.

Got an update from Jean about Mas, that she already launch a police report on her con-casanova case, she even scolded by TS about it in close door conversation. She initially applied leave for 1 month to follow the con-casanova to UK now she canx her leave and also pull back her retirement.

In Jean opinion, Mas is too old and she always complainted "tak larat" to work anymore, she suggested to put her in back end to support and promote new staff to replace her, but according to Rosaini's plan, the company will promote two staff to pick up the skill from Mas, by end of the year the management will personal sit down and talk to Mas to ask her leave the company for her own good, cause she seem unable to contribute anymore to company and unable to perform. Pity her, now she been cheated by con-casanova, thus she has to face the Prima staff and the gossip surrounded her, later she has to deal with losing her position and by end of the year, she will losing her job, during her jobless, she might be facing financial difficulties cause she spent too fast and too much on her EFP.

I felt sad for her, not just about being cheated but also her uncertain future. What left for her in future? Sadly to say nothing, except the brand new car she just recently bought.

Jean also mentioned that after Mas paid the con-casanova 2nd payment, she start to feel suspicious about him, cause every time Mas asked him for his mother contact number in UK to follow up on further arrangement, since Mas is going to follow him to UK (konon la!), the con-casanova keep giving all kinds of excuses to avoid. Mas push hard keep asking and instead to communicate with his mother, and I guess this con-casanova being push too hard and running out of idea to escape so he give up and disappear. With he disappearance, I guess it trigger Mas to dig his back ground. Poor Mas.

Enough of Mas, may god bless her. Hope she learned her lesson by hard.

Yvan is so cute, is he getting some sun burn? He very sensitive with camera, the "wat up doc" photo he look so curious. So, how is your motherhood experience? Hope to hear from you.


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