Monday, April 18, 2011

Me, PG & Yvan dropped by Prima today =)


going to Zzzz

with a simple intention... juz to pay a short visit to TS... Quite a number of new faces at Pharma dept.. not sure bout non-pharma & Acc la as I nvr walk into those dept.... SHY came to PC's plc, yes saw her in her preg form wif quite a bit of weight on overall. Mars came to kepoh too...oh, she has lost much weight, slimmer than all three of us le! hahaha...
TS looked d same wif extra white hair, I think it's almost time he has to call his barber dy, bushy hair :P Rosaini came to kepoh too. As usual he talked loud. While he was talking to PG, then Yvan beh tahan dy d noisiness! he became cranky, Rosaini asked y crying.... I said too noisy! hahaha
TS carried Yvan oh =) & he stared at TS (mayb attracted by his janggut =P), give Yvan a few more mths, he shall b able to pull his janggut hahaha! TS carried him for quite awhile & Yvan Zzzz....not bad ah TS hahaha.... D carrying ended when eventually Yvan burped some milk out hahaha.... Yvan's bib plus our fast action saved his expensive suit =)

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