Monday, April 25, 2011

Travelling Back to Back Non-stop!

Hi there, sorry being away from our blog for a very long period. I had been traveling non-stop started since end of March, 1st to Australia, then Vietnam, just back from Hong Kong last week. I will be at home country until coming August, which I might be traveling like crazy again.

I can see that Yvan grown very fast, and he look even more cute with chubby face.

SK, back to your question on 3rd April about Mas new car on HP or not, I think it should be on cash term, cause at her age, she can't able to get any HP from any bank.

Lina, you look fabulous in the photo, even though you claimed the underneath lil belly and the pigmentation, i guess by now it should be gone after becoming mother (a.k.a lifetime maid) to Yvan....hahahaha...I think you kind of enjoying the motherhood. Look at SK, she is having 3 kids, yet she still can enjoy life like a single lady when ever she want. Don't worry, as you get along and tackle Yvan, your normal life activities will be back in place very soon.

SK is right, when you look at him when his asleep, they look like an angle to you and you will feel the greatness of all and forget about the tiring.

Most important thing, lil Yvan bring fun and laugh into you and PG. Which worth everything in this universal.

I'm also wanted to plan a trip to visit our Prima ex-coworkers. But really can't find time to do that, really need to make a trip there, otherwise, TSA might totally forget about me servicing at Prima before, during my service at Prima he already can't call my by name, what if later he might forget how I'm look like..hahaha....

Yvan is sooooo cute, really hope our gathering will take place soonest possible, wanted to play when him. Is he talkative? I mean baby talk lar..he grown so big now compare with his new born pic. So chubby until feel like pinch him...hahaha...


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Me, PG & Yvan dropped by Prima today =)


going to Zzzz

with a simple intention... juz to pay a short visit to TS... Quite a number of new faces at Pharma dept.. not sure bout non-pharma & Acc la as I nvr walk into those dept.... SHY came to PC's plc, yes saw her in her preg form wif quite a bit of weight on overall. Mars came to kepoh too...oh, she has lost much weight, slimmer than all three of us le! hahaha...
TS looked d same wif extra white hair, I think it's almost time he has to call his barber dy, bushy hair :P Rosaini came to kepoh too. As usual he talked loud. While he was talking to PG, then Yvan beh tahan dy d noisiness! he became cranky, Rosaini asked y crying.... I said too noisy! hahaha
TS carried Yvan oh =) & he stared at TS (mayb attracted by his janggut =P), give Yvan a few more mths, he shall b able to pull his janggut hahaha! TS carried him for quite awhile & Yvan Zzzz....not bad ah TS hahaha.... D carrying ended when eventually Yvan burped some milk out hahaha.... Yvan's bib plus our fast action saved his expensive suit =)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Another Cycle, all over again!!


Dun worry, things will kinda go back towards the norm in just a few more mths' time, hang on there gal! Well, as i had told you much earlier, your life won b the same again, after the lil one came out!! :D I felt mine turning upside down and inside out during the 1st 2 weeks of my confinement, may b due to this TKW loved to cry once the sky turned dark!!! Ha ha ha

Hmm, having 2nd child when Yvan grows older, yes, it'll be another round of what you are experiencing now, only doubly fun, tiring & challenging coz now you will be taking care of 2 instead of one person (one new born {requires a lot of attention & feeding} & one toddler, who will be running about here & there in a blink of an eye!) but then it's worth every minute of it when you see them sleeping soundly at night, just like angels!!! That's also the only time the house will be so peaceful & quiet!!

Well, that's all for now ..... enjoy your motherhood!!!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fun, tiring, challenging, all u name it!

Look like papa soh =)

Well, hiding underneath, stil a lil belly there hahaha & pigmentation fr preg stil there, but really no time to care bout anything now except being a full time maid to Yvan...gosh! Like wat papa soh said ' Yvan, u used up 48 hours of ours, 24 fr papa 24 fr mama!' .... I wonder when things can bac to more normal again.... I hv no time to think bout malls & shopping & d rest of things of my life on hold juz to take care of tis Yvan.... I know 1st couple yrs will b more demanding fr Yvan... later when he grows older, life shall gets better.... but then! if we intend to hv a 2nd baby... die lor! hahaha



So, one month liao, how do you find motherhood? Fun? Challenging? Tiring? Keep it up, gal!

You looked good-ar, in the photo, skinny like before liao. :D

Lil Yvan looks more like Papa Soh than you-lah! :D


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Some Update on Con-Tactics


I told Teh what happened to Mars. While he too pity her for what happened, he also couldn't believe how naive can she be!!! He was also wondering how come no one warned her etc. I told him quite a number of them warned her but she just wouldn't listen a& even scolded one by saying that he's jealeous that she's with an ang mo!!

Anyway, Teh said many cases had happened that con-man wouls actually paid some ah-neh-neh or ah-pek etc just to make use of their bank accounts for ppl that they conned to bank in the $$$-wor!! So, eventhough Mars reported to police & even police caught the ah-neh-neh, ah-neh-neh might just be one of those that was paid say RM200 by conman to use his accounts to receive $$$$ on behalf of conman only-wor!!

Mars wrote that she is very "fan" on FB abt work & others, as usual, Jess & I pretended we knew nothing & just consoled her based on whatever she wrote!! Yes, we are the Great Pretenders!!!!

Oh, i replied Shella y'day abt Hawkeye Kirby as Kirby wanted to add Shella in FB and asked her abt their Bonus (end March 2011) whether TS paid them anything extra or not as PC was chasing after them like MAD DOG during Dec 2010 for sale and even promised them incentive trip to Japan (which now not safe to go anymore). Shella said NOTHING EXTRA!!!!! and the gals are very frustrated now-wor!!

That's all for now! Back to work!


LOL when I read d last sentence of SK's post below!

SK, ur dog bite not serious enuff :P, no MC :P

Jess, ya lor... ur frenship wif Jean so deep dy kah :P haha... sampai her relative oso joined u for makan :P Oh btw, I heard EQ Jap buffet very nice....Jap buffet for 107 per pax consider reasonable lor =)

Poor Mars, on top of kena con so much $$$ in such a short time, kena scolded by TS somemore.... She muz b damn down & sad man! Like wat Jess said, Mars spent too fast & too much wif her EPF, she has nothing else to hang on for $$$ if she doesnt hang on to her job in Prima..... & yet she tak larat to perform... she is old dy & pity her, she has to learn such a hard lesson at this point of her life...

Sorry la BFFs, I hv been really bz & on training to handle Yvan! Motherhood now is bout diapers, baby poop & pee, feeding baby, Zzzzlesss nites, losing count of which day of d week, forgetting bout shopping & yoga, many more :S Exhausted! No la, I dont hv time for yoga, I wonder when I wud b able to restart my yoga again, simply no time now.... I think breastfeeding helps a lot, I noticed my body started shrinking pretty fast & much in d 2nd wk after delivery....& I m so grateful for tat.... so tat give me a thing less to worry that how to get back into shape again.... When we hv time nowadays, we try to catch up on housechores & Zzzz!

Anytime after my official end of confinemt shud b ok... in fact I ady kong ming jing dai went out kai kai for a couple of hours today wif papa Ghee & Yvan.... handling a baby outside d house can b very stressful la bcoz baby needs feed etc.... cannot enjoy my outing la sigh.... Most time papa Ghee takes d mama role, so d official not-so-capable-yet mama alwiz take d camera & snap snap snap pics =)

Sunday, April 3, 2011



Wow, i can't closed my mouth-lah when i read what had happened to Mars!! In such a short time, she can lose that much of monies!!!!! RM25k, it takes her decades to keep that kind of $$$$!! Well, now that she's decided NOT to retire just yet (But then as we all know Prima ppl esp PC,TS and just found out Azad & Rosaini too can't wait to get rid of her!!!!), it'll be a nuclear bomb when she finally finds out that she's no longer needed in Prima just b'coz she's OLD (even that was after spending almost 3 decades in Prima!) and have reached retirement age!! Sad, indeed!

Jess, u mentioned she had nothing but the brand new car that she bought ...... Are u sure she 100% owned the car or still under HP? If still under HP, she's not the owner until she's finished paying all her instalments-lah!!! 2x sad, sad, sad!! One thing I'm not very sure here, i thot she met up with this con-casanova in Australia recently? So, during Australia time, is he an ang mo or ah-neh-neh????????????? A bit confused there!! I guess why Azad & Rosaini din like her b'coz she always NAGS them!! Haih ....... i dare not imagine what will b her reaction when she found out that she's no longer needed and wanted in Prima ......... God bless Mars!!

Jess, how come yr dining date with Jean also involved Jean's hubby & Jean's relatives not to mention Ah-soh Cheng (I thot Cheng & Jean not too friend with each other geh?) Hmmm, now Jess has upgraded to becoming Jean's Family friend??? Ha ha ha!

Yvan and any 1st child for that matter (the same goes to my eldest sister), will be the lucky one with thousands of photos taken before reaching one yr old!! I still rmb when i was a baby (well at least b4 2 yrs old i call them babies) i only had ONE miserable photo, crying, somemore taken by my cousin brother, someone whom i will always feel thankful to as otherwise i wouldn't even know how i looked like as a baby!!!!!!!! Whwn i asked my mom why i din hv any photos, my mom said by the time i was borned, my dad's camera also spoilt liao-wor!!!! Soooo unfair!! That's Y i told myself not to do the same to my children!!! I still remember my eldest sis got one particular photo was re-produced to more than 10 copies, ALL THE SAME PHOTO!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh UNFAIR!!!!

ok enuf abt baby photos (hoped that i din frightened any of u, ha ha ha!) So, when is your officially Freedom day?? How are we going to deliver your portable changing pad to you? I'm sure by being a full time "ngau la" & your routine Yoga sessions, u hv alreadu as slim as ever liao!! Surprisingly, always in the photos are Yvan & daddy ........ where's the mummy?? ok-lah, got to do some work since din get any MC for my dog bite!!


What An Expensive Lunch!!!!

Today, me joined Jean for lunch with Cheng, Jean's hubby and her relative at Equatorial Hotel for Jap's Food, sooo expensive RM107 per pax but the satisfaction are great, but expensive lor.

Got an update from Jean about Mas, that she already launch a police report on her con-casanova case, she even scolded by TS about it in close door conversation. She initially applied leave for 1 month to follow the con-casanova to UK now she canx her leave and also pull back her retirement.

In Jean opinion, Mas is too old and she always complainted "tak larat" to work anymore, she suggested to put her in back end to support and promote new staff to replace her, but according to Rosaini's plan, the company will promote two staff to pick up the skill from Mas, by end of the year the management will personal sit down and talk to Mas to ask her leave the company for her own good, cause she seem unable to contribute anymore to company and unable to perform. Pity her, now she been cheated by con-casanova, thus she has to face the Prima staff and the gossip surrounded her, later she has to deal with losing her position and by end of the year, she will losing her job, during her jobless, she might be facing financial difficulties cause she spent too fast and too much on her EFP.

I felt sad for her, not just about being cheated but also her uncertain future. What left for her in future? Sadly to say nothing, except the brand new car she just recently bought.

Jean also mentioned that after Mas paid the con-casanova 2nd payment, she start to feel suspicious about him, cause every time Mas asked him for his mother contact number in UK to follow up on further arrangement, since Mas is going to follow him to UK (konon la!), the con-casanova keep giving all kinds of excuses to avoid. Mas push hard keep asking and instead to communicate with his mother, and I guess this con-casanova being push too hard and running out of idea to escape so he give up and disappear. With he disappearance, I guess it trigger Mas to dig his back ground. Poor Mas.

Enough of Mas, may god bless her. Hope she learned her lesson by hard.

Yvan is so cute, is he getting some sun burn? He very sensitive with camera, the "wat up doc" photo he look so curious. So, how is your motherhood experience? Hope to hear from you.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Juicy Jess =P

Bingo as wat we suspected wud be happening.... conman! So fast she kena con dy! omg.... sigh, pity her, her retiremt $$ juz gone like tat! Waiting for more baat gua fr our Juicy Jess =P ya

Jess, how was lunch wif Jean?? & more baat gua ....

Tummy time for Yvan means d other way round la.... put Yvan on his tummy to let him exercise his motor skills (hands & legs) =) & oso strengthening his neck muscle eventually.... Jess, hahahaha, it does not mean putting him on his dad's cushiony belly la =P

=) sexy Yvan

I know I m fat... -_-"

watzzup doc??!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

OMG!! I Can't Believe It

Just got the news from Jean, that Mas and the con-casanova broke off oledi. Mas told everyone in Prima that prayer made her realize that she can't carry on with this con-casanova, but the actual story was she been cheated by this con-casanova amounting RM25,000.00 cash. Some more she willingly bank in the payment to him.

How Jean get to know? Guess must be from Shella, cause the 1st payment asked by the con-casanova was amounting RM10,000.00 and Mas ATM card only able to withdrawn RM5,000.00 so she asked Shella loan her the balance of RM5,000.00. Beside that, she also asked the despatch boy to bank in the money into the con-casanova's account. Shella keep remind her about the danger (I guess Shella just gentle remind her but not so harsh cause Mas is sooo in love), but she just ignore it, after she bank in the 2nd payment and I believe Mas, Shella and the dispatch boy did a little bit background checking, find out the con-casanova is not an "Ang Mo Lang" but an "Ah Neh Neh" who stayed at Ampang. Whether they launch a police report or not, that I have no idea.

I was curious and wondering how this "Ah Neh Neh" sweet talk Mas in to banking money to him, according to Jean, apparently, he claimed that he need some cash to pay his subordinate's salary, so he asked Mas to loan him some cash, he will repay her, he even scan a cheque which is belong to Petronas and written payee name's under Mashita with an amount of USD1,000,000.00, he claimed now that they are couple so, all his money he want Mas to keep it. All he need now is a favor from Mas to loan him some money to pay subordinate's salary. So our beloved and naive sister, do exactly what he asked for.

Jean claimed Mas very crazy about this con-casanova, she look like those sweet 16's gal who just fell in love, bought a new laptop and brought it to office so that during her lunch hour, she can chit chat on net with her con-casanova, when she share her joy with one of the male staff by the name of Erwan (sitting in the same room with Jean and Rosli), the staff try to warn her about it and she accused that staff envil her relationship and anti-mat salleh. OMG! Can you believe that, she soooo blind by the love.

Now that everyone in the office seem to be know the true scenario on her case, she go and tell everyone that she broke off with the mat salleh cause she realize from her prayers and now she don't want to retire and wanted to continue stay on and remain at Prima. Everyone in the office find Mas like a joker and laugh out loud in heart. Azad was sad caused he is willing to release her and wanted so much Mas to leave the company on her wish and he also in the midst of selecting staff to promote replace Mas's position, now that Mas want to stay on, he "pening kepala" pula.

Thats all for now, will update more when I have lunch with Jean this coming weekend and get more information.
