Friday, March 4, 2011

Work load is bundle up, how to travel like that?

Lina, don't worry about it, holiday is just about eat, sleep, play and shopping, if I manage to find one and the price is reasonable I will buy, if not will get it in Malaysia. I saw that compact changing pad before in Malaysia, it just that I can't remember where I saw it.

But, now my work load is bundle up and all the dead line are fall on during my absent, how to travel like that? stress and tension.

SK, hope you are fine by now and 100% recover from your cough. If I'm that kind of gal who are so "yau mui lek" I won't be single until now lor. The con-casanova called again last Monday/ Tuesday (can't remember too busy), during evening. Asking me the same question again, out for yam cha, so I asked him did he receive my sms, he claimed didn't notice anything from me, so I asked him which friend of him given my number, he claimed that he has made a promise to his friend not to tell and his asked me whether am I still single or I had attached with someone oledi or he just being fool by his friend.

So, I answered him back "Well, I'm still single and available but whether are you being fool by your friend or not I don't know, as far as I know, all my friend knew my character and attitude, I won't go out with stranger or they friends without they presence. So, you can forget about the yam cha since you make a promise with he/she, and please stop calling me again, cause I'm soon to be marry to my job which mean I no longer available and I really really busy now, so sorry!" I hang up the call. Till now he didn't call back. I guess he get my message gua, and I'm sure he is not genuine.

Please say welcome back to the confinement lady....oooppps the confinement man Mr did he or he haven't pick up the knowledge from his mum or his sister to take up the task as "Confinement Man"? Is he "kan cheong" about the task?.....Nana, you are so blissful having your man to be your confinement lady.

SK, you don't make Nana scare off by your statement such as end of "bachelors" days as hubby and wife or undisturbed sleeping days soon to be over...blah blah blah. Nana, don't worry everything will be fine, what comes around goes around. I mentioned it to you before in FB, now I copy it out and paste here to remind you the simple steps you will go through after arrival of Dino.

"Beginning life will became a bit kelam kabut - feeling mixture of tired and happiness.

Later after few days or weeks, things are more settle, timetable are about to confirm and schedule is about to set - Feeling comfortable and happiness.

Later day, is a routine.....- Feeling happiness and experience the joy and joke that Dino will bring to you.

Few months later....becoming a expert Daddy and Mommy - Feeling "I should get another one more kid"

Simple and easy right?..hahaha...

SK, your kids, nieces and nephew are so lucky, just came from Korea now eat coast trip pula. I though only year end holiday got trip?

Keep in touch.


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