Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Breaking News!!

Jean, called me few days ago and asked my out for dinner, guess must be celebrate my b'day. In the end it turn out, we called off the date cause she is not feeling well. so we just chat on the phone.

She told me that Rosaini was assigned to travel with Azad to U.S for a presentation to GE for getting some agent license (something like that). On the way travelling to US, they need to stop by "Dohan" (I hope I get the name of the place right) for personal matters before fly to U.S. While in "Dohan" Rosaini was being attacked mild stroke. He claimed to be can't feel and move his body, he was admitted to Hospital immediately and Azad has to fly and present on his own. Rosaini's wife was freaking out cause don't know what to do and this situation also created a little bit havoc in Prima office.

More details is unclear yet, but Rosaini took more that 1 month to recover, but he need to under go physiotherapy, but in term of his character and attitude towards work still the same, no change. In my opinion, he need to slow down and change his attitude towards works and handle his stress well to avoid 2nd round stroke attack.

Thats all for now. I'm sure I will having a great time at Ozie, I hope.


p/s: SK, let me know if you or your hubby can pick up the GPS from me around nearby Cheras area. I will go off to Ozie around 6pm.

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