Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Yvan! The ridicously adorable boy.

He is soooo adorable. When you mentioned "Tummy time" is it mean he like to lay on his daddy tummy for fun? Is he always wanted daddy to carry him, cause he look so "manja" with daddy.

Mas "hiau" or not "hiau", we can't care much cause, women by nature is "hiau", aren't we the same? It just that the level of "hiau" is different. But I'm more worry is that this ang mo is another con-casanova like my case which I share with you before. If she really fall into his trap, end up with spend a lots of money on him. Nowaday, she already withdraw money from EPF, if this con-casanova want to cheat her so easy.

I don't think this casanova is attract by Mas's beauty or inner beauty, i also don't think this casanova wanted to get marry with Mas just to get a PR from Malaysia lo, so beside money, I can't think of anything that Mas can attract this ang mo. However, if this casanova is sincere and honestly fall in love with Mas, we will wish her all the best from bottom of our heart. But if he got his own agenda, then quite difficult to make Mas reliese the true colour of this con-casanova, since she is soooo in love with him.

May god bless her.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yvan all green & all blue

Now I got d real picture =) Let's live up to to d title of our blog Hahahaha!

Well, I tot tis Roni reconciles wif ex-hubby mah (mayb ex-hubby regretted leh :P)... which is possible to happen isnt it... afterall, they had been truly in love wif each other b4 mah

Wua, tis Mars muz b real gatal now la, in love wor... wif ang mo somemore hahahaah.... all d while single... she muz b damn proud now bcoz at her age she attracted an ang mo 10 yrs her junior somemore hahaha...she muz b hiau now :P

How bout Lily Koh? any baat gua bout her?

Now Dino has an official name dy.... Yvan (pronounced as ih-van)... so no more lil Dino Soh :P

Lina's All Mixed Up

Nana u have mixed up some of the facts-lah. 1st of all Mars suggested to meet only, haven't really met up yet. The gathering on 19 March, last Sat was between, Jess, Shella, Lily & daughter & myself!!

Mars only showed the ang-mo pic to Shella, Shella was the one telling us abt her "relationship" with the 10-yr younger ang-mo who claimed working in Miri under Petronas. The ang-mo will come to KL next mth & Mars is contemplating taking leave & fly to UK with ang-mo to meet up with "future" parents-in-law!

Roni, the pharmacist, on the other hand, re-married on 19 March 2011 of coz, with another man-lor, the ex-hubby so great-meh?? :p

As for Wai Cheng, i asked Shella whether it's true that she bought a landed property recently. Shella actually wondered from where i got the news saying NOT too many ppl knew abt the matter (haih ...... actually a lot of time so called "secret" already made known to most fo the ppl if a certain ppl came to know-lor ......... rite????!!!) Anyway, coming back to our lil baat gua (have to-lor, otherwise how to live up to our blog name : Baat Gua Gang???? ha ha ha), Shella said WC & PC been "kwai kwai sui sui" surfing the net for properties and talked abt properties some time ago and then one occassion Shella overheard PC telling WC that nowadays property at that kind of area would be costing that kind of price-lor (RM500k and above) and that if she was really serious on buying one and if there's any financial constraints, she (PC) will help discuss with TS-lor .......... So, conclusion, WC bought the house with a 99.99% financial assistance from TS-lor!!!! Which also confirmed our "suspicious" over PC's property purchase N yrs ago which cost near to RM1 million which she claimed share share with her sis also almost 99.99999999% certain with TS as backup financier-lor!!

Well, that's it, finished baat gua liao!! Wow, i find it NOT easy to be baat gua!!! ha ha ha ha but then Jess & I will try our best to "feed" u with more baat gua news while u r bz taking care of lil Dino!!

YCC called me last Sunday asking abt Nana's baby gift and whether we would b visiting Nana & the baby. If we are, then she also wanna join us!! HOW?????

That's all for now!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My jaw betul betul dropped

Wat a news!!! We love u Jess! Me & SK had d same thot.... d ang mo cud b a conman... so many such news nowadays in papers.... Wish Marshita all d best & hope d ang mo is genuinely in love wif Mars.... Jess, when u met Mars, was she stil wearing tudung? Had she bcome more hiao dy? Had she started putting on make-up etc??? I think d ang mo kena potong no big deal la, can use zi toong york mah or maa zui york :P Did Mars show u his pic?

After knowing Mars case, I believe Jess has even stronger faith & determination to find/meet her Mr Right in future :) Right or not, Jess? Hahaha

Roni u r talking bout right.... who remarried.... u mean remarried d same husband or a new man?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Please remain calm!

Little gossip to share with you which we get to know during our last Saturday gathering.

It was started off when I told them that Marshita (our ex-colleague in Alam Medik) prompt personal message to me on FB, asking to come out for a gathering between her, Shah and Shella on one fine day. She claimed wanted to discuss something with me when we are out, so I asked her what about, she said is about her retirement, which she planned after coming Raya (which is very soon, cause Raya will take place coming August). So, I asked her go ahead arrange the gathering and give me a hint what she wanted to discuss with me. She claimed is a special project and need to discuss face to face.

Based on my conversation, Shella commented that Marshita met a UK "Ah Mor Lang" from Cyberworld, tenure is about 2 months, they also met in Australia for a gathering (she just recently get back from there) and that guy is sooo in love with her. Her so called special project might be she is getting marry, cause she is telling everyone in Prima that she might getting marry. Yes, you read correctly, she planned to get marry. Azad knew, so PC knew and of course TS also eventually knew (I hope he won't get shock until his jaw drop).

She even told Shella, the guy apparently working at Miri under Petronas employment. And the guy is planning coming to KL next month for Islam conversion...hahaha..now my mind is crazy about "Ah Mor Lang" kena potong...hahaha...siao liao!

I don't know do you knew the Malay Pharmacist, which preganant when she joined Prima, after delivered baby she got herself a divorce cause she caught her hubby cheating...the point here is she got herself re-marry again on the day we had our gathering....haha! Even TS also got surprise about her re-marry according to Shella....haha. What a drama!

Hope this little "baat gua" will bring you a little fun for now, I need to go cause, they asked me to "Gambateh" look for love match, Marshita also got one liao....


You will jealous!

My parent said he look more like PG then you, hahaha....poor mommy. Ya, I mean the leg warmer sox cute, =P I don't what is call so I called it sox...

Well now adays, mostly the hubby is more skillful than the wifey, unlike those day our mom generation, where the wifey is better in taking care of baby then husband.

See, like I said, nothing to worry, you sure will enjoy the motherhood. Bravo, Lina! and PG too...hehe =)

Look at those pictures you took, he is sooo active and like to move along his hands and legs, like wanted to "ajak" people to play.

The photo where PG carried Yvan, must be after crying and get a pamper from daddy, cause he pity poor little boy look so funny...

Btw, what is all about the red spots on his face, is it allergic with milk? or after bath sensitive with shower gel?

After I show his photos to all my family members, they all like the photo which he smile back to camera. You should print out and frame it. Worth of millions man! haha..



Monday, March 21, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thx =) hahaha

Actually he is stil young to know how to smile...so happen we caught him in tis pic... we hv noticed he smiled sometimes in his sleep..hahaha...
Which socks u talking bout.... d ones he wore on his whole leg?? Those r baby legwarmers...I bot them mths back fr Amazon... =) I love them though they r for babies .... I think I bot 7-8 pairs for him.... pretty good to use keeping his legs warm especially his baju mostly all onesies.
We hope he is going to grow tall as a boy =). At birth he was 51.5cm, 3kg.
Well, each day we learn bout him, his style, etc.... it's never easy no doubt bout it, but truly a joy. Lotsa of hardwork taking care of a baby man! Working ard d clock! Ya, luckily, I hv PG...he has been very good in taking care/handling baby =) & I m learning fr him hahaha

OMG!! He is sooo cute!

OMG!!!....Yvan is so cute. He know how to smile back at the camera...look at the sox he wearing so cute, where you bought those sox...very cute!

Is he tall baby? He pair of legs seem to be long and he look so tiny with his daddy carried him. Hahaha....

So, is both of getting handy becoming a new parent?....by judging the way PG bathing Yvan, it should be a big "Pass"...=)

Congratulation to you and PG.


Thursday, March 17, 2011


Lil stinker

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hi Grandma Liew Liew & Aunty Jess :) I am Yvan Soh Yue Woei

Hi, my name is Yvan Soh Yue Woei,


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Breaking News!!

Jean, called me few days ago and asked my out for dinner, guess must be celebrate my b'day. In the end it turn out, we called off the date cause she is not feeling well. so we just chat on the phone.

She told me that Rosaini was assigned to travel with Azad to U.S for a presentation to GE for getting some agent license (something like that). On the way travelling to US, they need to stop by "Dohan" (I hope I get the name of the place right) for personal matters before fly to U.S. While in "Dohan" Rosaini was being attacked mild stroke. He claimed to be can't feel and move his body, he was admitted to Hospital immediately and Azad has to fly and present on his own. Rosaini's wife was freaking out cause don't know what to do and this situation also created a little bit havoc in Prima office.

More details is unclear yet, but Rosaini took more that 1 month to recover, but he need to under go physiotherapy, but in term of his character and attitude towards work still the same, no change. In my opinion, he need to slow down and change his attitude towards works and handle his stress well to avoid 2nd round stroke attack.

Thats all for now. I'm sure I will having a great time at Ozie, I hope.


p/s: SK, let me know if you or your hubby can pick up the GPS from me around nearby Cheras area. I will go off to Ozie around 6pm.


Jess, my annual trip is overseas annual trip-lah, we normally have small small 3D2N or 4D3N kinda local trip for almost every school holidays-lah!!! You are right, kids nowadays are so LUCKY!!!

Dunno whether got that kind of time to get the GPS from u or not-lah, haih, just hope that the map or direction that my colleague would be giving me will be simple & easy to follow as he recommended that we shd use the coastal road-wor!

Will try & take smiley face photos in Pangkor for u gals to see!!

Jess, have a wonderful trip in Oz, forget abt deadlines, deliveries, packaging, QC etc etc etc and just go and have FUN!!!! Bon Voyage!!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Work load is bundle up, how to travel like that?

Lina, don't worry about it, holiday is just about eat, sleep, play and shopping, if I manage to find one and the price is reasonable I will buy, if not will get it in Malaysia. I saw that compact changing pad before in Malaysia, it just that I can't remember where I saw it.

But, now my work load is bundle up and all the dead line are fall on during my absent, how to travel like that? Sigh.....so stress and tension.

SK, hope you are fine by now and 100% recover from your cough. If I'm that kind of gal who are so "yau mui lek" I won't be single until now lor. The con-casanova called again last Monday/ Tuesday (can't remember too busy), during evening. Asking me the same question again, out for yam cha, so I asked him did he receive my sms, he claimed didn't notice anything from me, so I asked him which friend of him given my number, he claimed that he has made a promise to his friend not to tell and his asked me whether am I still single or I had attached with someone oledi or he just being fool by his friend.

So, I answered him back "Well, I'm still single and available but whether are you being fool by your friend or not I don't know, as far as I know, all my friend knew my character and attitude, I won't go out with stranger or they friends without they presence. So, you can forget about the yam cha since you make a promise with he/she, and please stop calling me again, cause I'm soon to be marry to my job which mean I no longer available and I really really busy now, so sorry!" I hang up the call. Till now he didn't call back. I guess he get my message gua, and I'm sure he is not genuine.

Please say welcome back to the confinement lady....oooppps the confinement man Mr PG...haha..so did he or he haven't pick up the knowledge from his mum or his sister to take up the task as "Confinement Man"? Is he "kan cheong" about the task?.....Nana, you are so blissful having your man to be your confinement lady.

SK, you don't make Nana scare off by your statement such as end of "bachelors" days as hubby and wife or undisturbed sleeping days soon to be over...blah blah blah. Nana, don't worry everything will be fine, what comes around goes around. I mentioned it to you before in FB, now I copy it out and paste here to remind you the simple steps you will go through after arrival of Dino.

"Beginning life will became a bit kelam kabut - feeling mixture of tired and happiness.

Later after few days or weeks, things are more settle, timetable are about to confirm and schedule is about to set - Feeling comfortable and happiness.

Later day, is a routine.....- Feeling happiness and experience the joy and joke that Dino will bring to you.

Few months later....becoming a expert Daddy and Mommy - Feeling "I should get another one more kid"

Simple and easy right?..hahaha...

SK, your kids, nieces and nephew are so lucky, just came from Korea now eat coast trip pula. I though only year end holiday got trip?

Keep in touch.
