Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So the teacher named Sherein...

She explained to me.... 1st level d most crucial level which will take 6 wks - learning how to draw mannequin! Oh gosh! I told her I have no backgrd & watsoever!!! She asked me "can u draw"... I was like " erm erm erm...." smilingly...LOL... & she at tat instant ask me to draw one... Oh gosh, I was stuck for a moment...LOL... so long nvr being challenged to draw! So I did & I think aftertat she believes me tat I have ZERO backgrd Hahahaha.... I bet u guys will die laughing see wat I drew today for d teacher... I think she cud hv nearly pengsan seeing my standard! LOL... well, cant blame me bcoz they nvr screen students whether they can actually take up d course mah :P

Let see whether by d end of week 6th, my drawing skill will evolve for better :P Hahahaha.... After 1st level, there will be level 2,3&4... towards last level, she said will pick best design among students & do fashion show wor... wua!!! so excited kah????!!!!.... after all levels done, student will get a certificate for completing d course.....

After being challenged to draw HAHAHAHAHA.... I had chance to see wat the other students already in final week of their course do.... In my heart, I quietly compared my challenged drawing with wat they actually learn to draw in d course...WUA!!! mine very out Hahahahahaha!!! Theirs so much more professional of coz! LOL!!!! Hahahahaha.. tat's y I said d teacher may ady want to pengsan seeing my drawing HAhahahaah!

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