Monday, January 11, 2010

My homework

This was my debut crappy design.....I hv to put into tots as well whether a design is feasible to make at d end of d day! Also, it was too adhoc, I was asked to start drawing my design on my 1st day... excitement & thrill when I dont know wat to expect in every lesson! haha

Teacher: What d heck is this Lina drawing?? :P

Homework fr teacher.... repeat those elements...either freehand or using tracing paper... I m trying to use freehand only...
Reason 1 being: save tracing paper $$$...expensive
Reason 2 being: I wanna prac drawing lines & shapes freestyle/freehand..dun wan to rely on tracing paper all time if possible

Looks like not gonna be easy!!! Hahaahaha.. loads of drawings & imagination has to run really wild & loads of coloring!!!

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