Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nana - the future Jewellery & Fashion Designer!!

Nana, i "chup" 1st-hah ..... u must design something nice for me when u hv "graduated" - both jewellery & fashion!!

hardly had chance to log on the internet at all lately as my sis is on leave from 23/12/2009 - 17/1/2010 .... and since stock market is rather hot for the past weeks, she's been glued on to the PC most of the time .....I can't disturb her though as she's bz making $$$$$ for all of us ... :-)

As Teh is away in S'pore on biz trip ....ahhhh got some free time to log on the net & catch up on lost chats. The courses that you have signed up ... hmmm sounds and looks rather interesting indeed. I too look foreward to the day where your fashion drawings will look like those that i saw on megazines and newspapers!!! Keep it Up Gal!!

Jess, so sorry that i have not been keeping touch with you lately as after the school reopen i have been rather busy ...... bz wrapping text books, activity books etc, bz bringing my young prince to kindergarten ..... crying every morning since Day 1 until now (and only god knows how many weeks more ......), bz learing how to bake yummy cookies and biscuits (i know it's a bit hard to believe.....but it's true), also the kids have started their British Council English classes too on 10/1/2010. Bz bz bz .....

As for the combs, Jess, yours is also made of Yak horn but the colour is different from Nana's as Nana is crazy abt white colour and i hv chosen one that is ...hmmm .....shud b in the shade of brown, i will see for yourself when i handed it to u, soon, i hope... hahahhahahaha

CNY is just one month away and counting down .......


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