Friday, January 29, 2010


Toong toong toong roong chaang x3 CNY is just around the corner, I would like to take this opportunity to wish Lina, Jess & PG a very Happy Chinese New Year!!!! by using the above CNY card, mind you, made by Teh Kai Wen-oh!! Hope that u guys will like it!!!
Gong Xi Fa Cai

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lina & Shella conversation this morning

Shella: Hi Lina
Lina: hi shella. how r u ah :):)
Shella: OK.....still around :):) You in Dubai?
Lina: haha. in abu dhabi :):) u r in office now?
Shella: Very nice photos...keep in touch :):)
Lina: how was sales for last yr ? of coz wil keep in touch. if i go back, will drop by visit u :):)
Shella: Yup in the office, not going for lunch that's why can go into FB. Office nowadays only lunch time can access to cham...
Lina: very cham oh like tat...very sian
Shella: Last year sales was bad.. First time didnt hit the tier incentive. Only got the 1 1/2 month bonus.
Lina: tat's all??? cham lor
Lina: tender no good ah? lost many tenders ah?
Shella: Tender ok but i heard hospitals dont have money for "christmas shopping" Nov & Dec... I dont know exactly but we didnt even reach the first tier.
Lina: cham lor. TS muz b not happy bout it
Shella: Well..i dont know whether is it TS set the target too high for us to hit or the sales is really so bad. Every thing is P&C on the target. Only PC knows what level we have reached
Lina: wua. so last yr u all don get to see the figure u actually need to hit la.... cannot b like tat one mah....unfair isnt it. sigh, sometimes thiings beyond our choice. seems like not siok ady work in prima strict & etc
Shella: Only individual staff will know their own target and they have to check with PC as and when they want to know the sales they have achieve as at to-date. Not like YCC used to let all the sales people know which level we are currently
Lina: i c, different style ady la. wua, d girls muz b very sad tis time, so much less bonus than previous yrs
Shella: Yup...the sales team tak ada semangat at all
Lina: is tis the 1st time tat bad, nvr hit 1st tier
Shella: Yup first time..the girs only get their LPOs incentives and their individual target
Lina: chaarm lor. history!
Shella: Well...of course sad and tight spending for CNY lor.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

SK, Whr r ur cookies??

SK, mayb u can post some pics of ur cookies for us to see oh!

Beach again & homecook food :)

Zhai Choi

Zhai Choi.... back there half BBQ roast chicken

Zhai choi stil in d wok!

Simple fried beehun

Sweet & sour fish

Quite jenjeres ...if I ever land flat on my face

PS: I hv oso learned to do scramble eggs :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

ng mou siu ngor!!!

Yo! I have only attended 1st classes for both last week la... I don dare to say I may b successful eventho after courses... stil many levels to complete... & d thing is I HAVE ZERO BACKGROUND!!! NO DRAWING SKILLS!!!! I have to catch up a lot & prac a lot & work harder ways than d rest! But stil... hehehe.. I m enjoying the courses...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nana - the future Jewellery & Fashion Designer!!

Nana, i "chup" 1st-hah ..... u must design something nice for me when u hv "graduated" - both jewellery & fashion!!

hardly had chance to log on the internet at all lately as my sis is on leave from 23/12/2009 - 17/1/2010 .... and since stock market is rather hot for the past weeks, she's been glued on to the PC most of the time .....I can't disturb her though as she's bz making $$$$$ for all of us ... :-)

As Teh is away in S'pore on biz trip ....ahhhh got some free time to log on the net & catch up on lost chats. The courses that you have signed up ... hmmm sounds and looks rather interesting indeed. I too look foreward to the day where your fashion drawings will look like those that i saw on megazines and newspapers!!! Keep it Up Gal!!

Jess, so sorry that i have not been keeping touch with you lately as after the school reopen i have been rather busy ...... bz wrapping text books, activity books etc, bz bringing my young prince to kindergarten ..... crying every morning since Day 1 until now (and only god knows how many weeks more ......), bz learing how to bake yummy cookies and biscuits (i know it's a bit hard to believe.....but it's true), also the kids have started their British Council English classes too on 10/1/2010. Bz bz bz .....

As for the combs, Jess, yours is also made of Yak horn but the colour is different from Nana's as Nana is crazy abt white colour and i hv chosen one that is ...hmmm .....shud b in the shade of brown, i will see for yourself when i handed it to u, soon, i hope... hahahhahahaha

CNY is just one month away and counting down .......


Monday, January 11, 2010

My homework

This was my debut crappy design.....I hv to put into tots as well whether a design is feasible to make at d end of d day! Also, it was too adhoc, I was asked to start drawing my design on my 1st day... excitement & thrill when I dont know wat to expect in every lesson! haha

Teacher: What d heck is this Lina drawing?? :P

Homework fr teacher.... repeat those elements...either freehand or using tracing paper... I m trying to use freehand only...
Reason 1 being: save tracing paper $$$...expensive
Reason 2 being: I wanna prac drawing lines & shapes freestyle/freehand..dun wan to rely on tracing paper all time if possible

Looks like not gonna be easy!!! Hahaahaha.. loads of drawings & imagination has to run really wild & loads of coloring!!!

Finally... I had my 1st Jewellry Design class :)

D teacher named Naida :) Lovely lady. She is a Russian... professional jewelry designer & pro salsa dancer/teacher & artist (she draws very well!)... She was briefing 5 of us this mrng generally bout d stuff we gonna learn etc & gave us a list of stuff to buy...time to go shopping :) No books! Hehehe... I think 3-4 items out of 14 similar to d list for Fashion Design course... lotsa of drawings in this course & designs fr every student..interesting...u will nvr know wat each student will come out wif d design... like today, d teacher gave us a task...there & then draw a design..gosh.. I was like....errrrrrr....nvr in my life I hv really used tat design dept of my tat moment, it was totally a very fresh & exciting & different feeling fr thru-out my study life!!!! All d while - open books & study & memorize & lots of reading & writing! As I was thinking wat shud I design..gosh..tat was hard..I started slowly with compas, geometry rulers... I noticed d other students can right away draw sumting (which I oso wat d heck they r thinking to draw..haha)... I was d slowest to finally pen down something :) I m glad I did...

Btw, tmr will officially start my 1st fashion design class :) Woohooo!!! more drawings coming!!! gosh

All in all!! I m thrilled & exciting after my 1st jewellry lesson! I think it gonna b interesting!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Finally lotsa of sun today!!!!! Having some good time at d beach

I love this pic very much despite big buttie...I juz love this pic!! Hahaha

Dai geok paan :)

Ready to hop!!!

At far...seeing Emirate Palace

Private family 10AED per person to enter

Colors of life

Giant attack!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Presenting avatarised Mr & Mrs Teh!!

Avatarised Mr Teh

Avatarised Mrs Teh a.k.a Black Pearl