Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wow Wow Wow

:) see how long our blog lasts...hahaha... coming to almost 6mths dy... isn't it tat great for us :) Temp here is dropping dy...example, today 25degC during day, nite forecast 16degC wor... I m having a slight cold...throat getting sore & head a lil throbbing & nose a lil block...tmr starting back my yoga class... boringNYA! Hahaha... I hv decided to stop teaching Sunday classes January onwards, but instead I told Elina (d boss) I will only do subbing when required & I will try my best to sub for anyone as required. The main reason is EFFORT + PREPARATION + TIME + TRAVEL doesn't equal the satisfaction & joy I would like to experience. If I am driving here, I may stay on to teach, unfortunately not. I don't think I wan to pay couple of thousands to attend driving theory & lessons & test, And if fail d stupid test, have to redo everything & there goes another few thousands... u said isn't d ppl here SIAL punya! I don't wish to pay for these ppl here. Pay so much YET d drivers here stupid, reckless & no cow sense except expats.. except my husband la. Hahaaha...

How's xmas prep for everyone :) I miss d greater spirit & atmosphere of Christmas else whr... the atmosphere here stil "sumting missing" la - I feel. Mayb no snow!!! Hahaha...

I fwded u guys Adeline's email. Pcists in Prima nowadays dunno stand whr... kena step left right center :) Kesian oh....

Unless I kena lottery - we r staying put at ABD for xmas & new year lor.... planning to go a xmas eve dinner however. New Year Eve too expensive...

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