Monday, December 28, 2009


Ai.... sien ah! Dunno y these few days, internet here has been on d down side! Cant check Yahoo mails, cant FB... many sites take AGES to load until I oso don bother to surf! Darn darn darn~~~~ So went out to walk around malls...luckily having sales now, so spent time browsing thru d sales but never buy la hahaha... Here is colder at nite nowadays, however, during day stil quite warm 27dc...

Jess, I told SK dy but dunno whether I hv told u tat I will back to KL mid March rather than 1st May :D Wow, I will b back for 3.5mths...GheeGhee chaarm lor.... he has to do everything himself :S

Well, my next trip back, I think shud drop by to visit TS... wud u ladies teman me ah? Pls???? Haha... wow, 3.5 mths - we can hang out much more :D ooohhh....excited excited... but heartache heartache for GheeGhee...

Miss u ladies!!! Happy new year!!!!

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