Thursday, December 31, 2009

Camel is such a highly honored creature here!! Hahaha

Do u see tat... Camel Beauty Contest... I nvr ever think Camel is pretty at any angle...hahahaha...I think ppl here too rich too free nothing to do, so everyday groom their camels...groom until camels look alike their masters... SK, next life want to be insect or camel...can ask Mr Teh to consider camel leh..good life oh! LOL

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It'z Eve of New Year 2010!!!!

Nice to create the last Year 2009 post for our blog :) Clink! Clink! Clink!!! Big Toast (not toast roti ah :P) to all of us to a New Year ahead!!

Happy New Year To SK!

Happy New Year To Lina!

Happy New Year To Our Blog!!

Happy New Year!! Welcome 2010

Happy New Year to your gals. Miss you all like crazy.

As date is approaching very near to New Year, I'm getting more busy and busy not just my work for year end closing but also for my new office.

Will update you all of my office with photos later, so meanwhile be patience and wait for my photo ya.


Monday, December 28, 2009


Ai.... sien ah! Dunno y these few days, internet here has been on d down side! Cant check Yahoo mails, cant FB... many sites take AGES to load until I oso don bother to surf! Darn darn darn~~~~ So went out to walk around malls...luckily having sales now, so spent time browsing thru d sales but never buy la hahaha... Here is colder at nite nowadays, however, during day stil quite warm 27dc...

Jess, I told SK dy but dunno whether I hv told u tat I will back to KL mid March rather than 1st May :D Wow, I will b back for 3.5mths...GheeGhee chaarm lor.... he has to do everything himself :S

Well, my next trip back, I think shud drop by to visit TS... wud u ladies teman me ah? Pls???? Haha... wow, 3.5 mths - we can hang out much more :D ooohhh....excited excited... but heartache heartache for GheeGhee...

Miss u ladies!!! Happy new year!!!!

Happy New Year ladies!!!!!!!

Let's 'buttie' to 2010!!!!

It was a lovely family affair!!!

Jess :) looked like u guys had a great family quality time! See ur pics oso feel happy! Hohoho :)


Was in a Hallmark shop...browsing thru cards...came across one....Just for me :P

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Christmas!

In view of this year I didn't hold any party for Christmas, I spent my Christmas night just with my beloved family members together. A cozy night.

25th December, me and my family had dinner at Tony Roma's at Pavillion. The crowd was crazy, the car park even worse. But we still managed to get a table in the restaurant for dinner.

My parent having a good time with us mingle around them, even though they didn't get any present. (^_^) My dad wasn't enjoying the food in the restaurant, as he is typical china man, who doesn't like steak or western food at all, I wonder how he going to stay with me if I'm decided to marry "Ah Moh Lang" hehe.. just kidding.

Gals Merry Christmas!

Love all those photos your all took at ABD Beach and Singapore's street. Very nice. My favorite would be the ABD beach, clean water and clear sky. Awesome!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Some photos that i took for the kids in S'pore.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Toast Toast Toast!! Ho Ho Ho

Wow :) Jess, u r moving to new opis...whr is it? Of coz we are so HAPPY & PROUD of u :)

Jess, no...not wat u had imagined I'm afraid... it's only international hotels r nicely 'christmasly' decorated...malls nothing much, streets nothing much... I love my neighbour's house tho, they put on christmas lights at their main cozy... I am pretty sure Msia deco much much more than here lor..

It was raining quite heavily 2 days wud need an umbrella to walk in the rain lor...


Hi gals, sorry for being away from blog for so long, I'm busy with year end job orders and setting up new office. Targeting will official move in on 1st January, hopefully everything goes well. After everything set, will snap photos and post it for you gals viewing and comments.

Can't believe we have maintaining this blog more than 6 months, lets toast for our achievement. \(^o^)/

SK, welcome back, from those photos you posted, look like you really enjoyed yourself. Nice scenery, and nice foods (worms and pre-form bee....yuuuck). I tried that before at Cambodia, it taste crispy and nothing much, I tried ONE piece only \(*~*)/ already felt "geli".

Lina the Swiss Christmas fair is wonderful, just like a fairly tale. Ok mah, the atmosphere at ABD for Christmas and the decor is much much much much better compare with here. The 3rd or 4th rain day in ABD, is it raining heavyly like here in Malaysia or just a few spoon drops of rain? Looking at your photos, it looks like just a few spoon drops of rain.

I read your email which sent by Adeline, felt pity to all them who still stuck at Prima. It mades me felt like, I made a right choice to left the company and start on my own and never regret when I look back. Thanks god. I'm sure both of you are agreed with me and felt glad too.

Ok, stop here, chat more in my next post, hopefully can show you the photos as well.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Swiss Christmas Fair at Rotana Beach Hotel ABD

Chocolate melting in my mouth.... yummy

This uncle Lindt was making live Lindt tasting as much as u wish

Stil at the Swiss Christmas Fair

Swiss Christmas Fair at Rotana Beach Hotel ABD

Some cheeky faces

SK, very pretty scenery wor!!!

Oh no.... u makan worms! & pre-form bees! Lil evil :P Hahaha...sorry, tho I m adventurous at times, but not eating insectas! Hahahaha.... Eeuuuu.... worms family make my knees feel like jelly!

Some more nice photos :-)

We had some usual dishes on the table ......... 1/2 plate full of "pre-matured" BEES (i dunno wat u call them ..... they hv not turn into bees yet) and another 1/2 plate are fried WORMS!!!! Surprisingly, both were quite yummy, especially the pre-matured bees!!

Another photo was actually chinese chess set made of "Pu Er" tea leaves, quite interesting-heh??

And we had tasted more than 10 varieties of wild mushrooms ......... yummy indeed!!
The last photo was taken at Stone Forest Scenic Park 石林 - limestones formation!!

I'm Back

Ho Ho Ho ....... I'm back from China!!! I've truly enjoyed myself during the trip .... despite the fact that i din hv enuf of zZzZzZ for 3-4 days!!! Awesome ...... when we went up to the Yulong Snow Mountain ..... at 4506 metre above sea level!!!! 1st time playing wif snow!! (had dy turned into ice actually) KW was actually complaining Y wasn't it "snowing"-wor??? Kids!!