Monday, August 1, 2011

They r FLIES, Jess! Hohoho

Actually is a last min plan to go back bcoz we juz wan to go somewhr :) Manatau I found out my mum & uncles & aunties going to KK, ended up we join then at KK & then back to SDK... a good chance to intro Yvan to everyone bcoz most old folks & some Yvan's cousins r in KK... Then we r going back to SDK another round for my cousin's wedding... nice to let them see Yvan b4 he grows out of babyhood :D Ya, expecting to bring a lot of Yvan's stuff..well if not much geh, I m sure I can find a way to help u gals bring bac fr SDK geh :D

Yvan likes his toys ard him while Zzz lately.... The black/white onesie we bot fr San Fran, they r sold as a souvenir for the prison in Alcatraz Island! hahaha... so Yvan is a little jailbird when he wears it :P

Jess, I thot u will b in China during Raya time, u r going to TS's open house ah? When issit oh? We r out of KL 27th Aug - 4th Sept...

Japan is another fashion heaven & oh I cant wait to see GuLeong pics later... Jess, pls snap for us :P We r anticipating her fashion drama in Japan!! haha... I wonder whr & whom she follows for her fashion sense man... niteclub mammy, china doll...apa lagi... suuk lui...

Hahaha, penguin walk.... ketam walk! :D Ya lor, y SK no facial expression geh in d photos..not siok meh the trip or u were HUNGRY tat time (hahaha!) ... rmbr say 'cheese' & smile la a bit when taking pics! We hope to see u smile more in ur Beijing photos k!

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