Monday, August 1, 2011

Back Liao .... long time ago

Yeah .... today i tried my luck logging into our blog and walah!!!!!! It's not blocked-wor!!!! yeah yeah yeah!!!
Well, Yvan has eraned a big RM2k, Lina, make sure u deposit that into HIS savings accounts!! :p
Last Sat i read and updated myself by reading through our blog!!! Wow, our blog is already 3 years old???? Seemed like yesterday Lina created this special blog...... Well, hopefully we live to celebrate its 30th Anniversary too!!!
Gu Leong's acting really sucks!!!!! If got nothing to say, keep quiet!! Why said something like that?? asif Lina's look has changed drastically!!!! So fake!!!
My my ..... dare to comment on other ppl's dressing sense ..... so brave of her!! Someone should but her a full length mirror so that she can see herself in the mirror ...... then she'll know how bad & poor her own dressing is!!! Come on-lah, sweet 16?????? She's 35-lah!!! 16 x 2 also only = 32!!!!! wakakakakakakakakaka I've finally chased away my Monday Blue!!!!!! :D
Jess, I went to Sg Lembing - climbed the Lembing Hill and went up to the Rainbow Waterfall .... but then-hoh all those happened on 16 & 17 July !!!! Came back to work & walked like a penguin for 2 days!!!! muahahahahahahahaha but then-hoh, most of us that went there walked like a penguin, not me alone!!!!!
well, have attached herewith some of the photos which we took at Sg Lembing!!

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