Monday, August 1, 2011

Lets look forward Diamond Jewelry Year before we jump to Diamond step!!

Bring Yvan back to SDK to meet relatives? Don't trouble yourself for our list, bring Yvan's stuff is trouble enough, now you still dare to offer us, if I were in your shoe I don't dare lor.

By the way, Lina you huh, very naughty lor, buli Yvan by placing all the toys on him, but very cute. I like it, and the black and white stripe shirt make him look like just escape from.....the series of "Prison break"...wahahaha. Such a young age, Yvan managed to attract a stalker following him...=P not bad.

Lina, you should get Yvan a saving account, cause by end of this month, you should join us to TS house for Raya Open House, hopefully by then can get another round of RM2K ang pau, much money to save. I bet he will get more ang pau when he meet granny, uncles, aunties and all the working "go go" and "jie jie".

SK, don't get us wrong, none of us here agree she is sweet 16, but I think she think she look like sweet 16's and cute like sweet 16's so therefore, she wear like sweet 16's, think like sweet 16's and speak like sweet 16's..and I can't wait to go for Japan trip and see her drama queen acting at Japan, just like the India trip we went with her, she was busy posing for photos, while the tour guide trying to explain historical of the place, then she make a drama scene in the bus by insisting wanted to go to the India Gate b'cause it was her main purpose and main tourist spot she joined the India trip by paying half of the fare....oh please lar!

I don't think anyone of us or anyone in Prima wanted to comment about her fashion lor, cause they all also like us just keep quiet, sit back, watch the drama and enjoy the show. Poor Gu Leong, and evil us!! Hahahaha....or may be just me...wahahahahaha...wakakakaka.....if someone get her a full length mirror, I might fright she will wear like a "China Doll" with her pigtail hair and find herself adorable.

SK, 2 days at Sg Lembing and come back walk like a penguin, what happen to you during your trip to Pulau Ketam? did you come back and walk like a crab...hahahahaha, just kidding, I guess you must have fun at Sg Lembing, but-ho, I realised most of the photos post on FB by your colleagues, and most of your photos you hardly smile....why huh??Tired??? Not Fun???

I like the base colour of our blog after facelift, white, clean and clear but the font and the files is making me "wee wang wang" p(@.@) is flies or bees?...I hope is know what i mean...wahahaha!!


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