Saturday, August 27, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Apa nama... Apa itu PUPPS

Talked to SHY briefly today.... She said she is having TERRIBLE PUPPS...

If you wan to tambah ur knowledge, read urself XP la


She said she doesnt hv much nen nen, so supplementing wif formula... She is giving Anmum

SALUTE to SHY - no epidural aka painkiller during labor & delivery

Her son name is Ian Yue Tze Yang

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Not bad... at least Wat I see Wat I get..

I bot these online for Yvan fr a seller on FB... I muz say the real goods I rec r pretty good... Average bout RM28 per pc... at least wat I see wat I get.... they r really as good as wat I hv seen in pics on FB... Colors patterns exactly same as in pic... most REAL goods & seen in pic dont match u see... Pics alwiz look good or even better than d REAL stuff....mmmm I m pretty impressed...

How bout yue kuat.... KUAT AH!!!!!

Apa nama....

Wee Wang Wang

Yo Yo Yo
Good to be back indeed!! Honestly speaking, the new blog facelift also been giving me this "wee wang wang" feeling-lah although from the beginning i knew those were flies ..... and NOT bees!!!!
muahahahahahahahaha!! Can change to something more soothing & not so wee wang wang-ar??
Jess, you told months ago that you'd be in China-ar end of the month, no need to go liao-meh??
I'll be going to Beijing, tianjin & Chengde from 27 Aug - 3 Sept 2011.
Gals, for your infor, the climbing up to the Lembing Hill took me > 1 hour to accomplish as i HATE staircases!!!!! Those fitter ones reached the top in about 1/2 hour's time!! Somemore Lembing Hill WAS NOT part of the iterinery at all!!! The very next morning we had to go conquer the Sg Lembing Rainbow Waterfall pulak!! A member (friend of a lecturer) ended up half way only for the Rainbow Waterfall as he was too tired after the Lembing Hill climb! Dun pray-pray, u try for yourself & see!!!!
I din smile-meh? i thot i already tried my personal best to smile already???? (May be TOO TIRED) He he, perhaps i'd try even harder when i am in Beijing then!!!!
Lina, go open an A/C for Yvan!!! All my kids have their own A/C when they turned one month old!! Go Go Go!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

They r FLIES, Jess! Hohoho

Actually is a last min plan to go back bcoz we juz wan to go somewhr :) Manatau I found out my mum & uncles & aunties going to KK, ended up we join then at KK & then back to SDK... a good chance to intro Yvan to everyone bcoz most old folks & some Yvan's cousins r in KK... Then we r going back to SDK another round for my cousin's wedding... nice to let them see Yvan b4 he grows out of babyhood :D Ya, expecting to bring a lot of Yvan's stuff..well if not much geh, I m sure I can find a way to help u gals bring bac fr SDK geh :D

Yvan likes his toys ard him while Zzz lately.... The black/white onesie we bot fr San Fran, they r sold as a souvenir for the prison in Alcatraz Island! hahaha... so Yvan is a little jailbird when he wears it :P

Jess, I thot u will b in China during Raya time, u r going to TS's open house ah? When issit oh? We r out of KL 27th Aug - 4th Sept...

Japan is another fashion heaven & oh I cant wait to see GuLeong pics later... Jess, pls snap for us :P We r anticipating her fashion drama in Japan!! haha... I wonder whr & whom she follows for her fashion sense man... niteclub mammy, china doll...apa lagi... suuk lui...

Hahaha, penguin walk.... ketam walk! :D Ya lor, y SK no facial expression geh in d photos..not siok meh the trip or u were HUNGRY tat time (hahaha!) ... rmbr say 'cheese' & smile la a bit when taking pics! We hope to see u smile more in ur Beijing photos k!

Lets look forward Diamond Jewelry Year before we jump to Diamond step!!

Bring Yvan back to SDK to meet relatives? Don't trouble yourself for our list, bring Yvan's stuff is trouble enough, now you still dare to offer us, if I were in your shoe I don't dare lor.

By the way, Lina you huh, very naughty lor, buli Yvan by placing all the toys on him, but very cute. I like it, and the black and white stripe shirt make him look like just escape from.....the series of "Prison break"...wahahaha. Such a young age, Yvan managed to attract a stalker following him...=P not bad.

Lina, you should get Yvan a saving account, cause by end of this month, you should join us to TS house for Raya Open House, hopefully by then can get another round of RM2K ang pau, much money to save. I bet he will get more ang pau when he meet granny, uncles, aunties and all the working "go go" and "jie jie".

SK, don't get us wrong, none of us here agree she is sweet 16, but I think she think she look like sweet 16's and cute like sweet 16's so therefore, she wear like sweet 16's, think like sweet 16's and speak like sweet 16's..and I can't wait to go for Japan trip and see her drama queen acting at Japan, just like the India trip we went with her, she was busy posing for photos, while the tour guide trying to explain historical of the place, then she make a drama scene in the bus by insisting wanted to go to the India Gate b'cause it was her main purpose and main tourist spot she joined the India trip by paying half of the fare....oh please lar!

I don't think anyone of us or anyone in Prima wanted to comment about her fashion lor, cause they all also like us just keep quiet, sit back, watch the drama and enjoy the show. Poor Gu Leong, and evil us!! Hahahaha....or may be just me...wahahahahaha...wakakakaka.....if someone get her a full length mirror, I might fright she will wear like a "China Doll" with her pigtail hair and find herself adorable.

SK, 2 days at Sg Lembing and come back walk like a penguin, what happen to you during your trip to Pulau Ketam? did you come back and walk like a crab...hahahahaha, just kidding, I guess you must have fun at Sg Lembing, but-ho, I realised most of the photos post on FB by your colleagues, and most of your photos you hardly smile....why huh??Tired??? Not Fun???

I like the base colour of our blog after facelift, white, clean and clear but the font and the files is making me "wee wang wang" p(@.@) is flies or bees?...I hope is know what i mean...wahahaha!!


Mua & Jess missed u so much! welcome bac to d blog

Wua, saliva drooling!!! mmmm...we gonna hv KK & SDK yummy food very soon! Yay!!! Gals, anything u need fr SDK?

Need to go set up an account for Yvan's savings liao :)

Back Liao .... long time ago

Yeah .... today i tried my luck logging into our blog and walah!!!!!! It's not blocked-wor!!!! yeah yeah yeah!!!
Well, Yvan has eraned a big RM2k, Lina, make sure u deposit that into HIS savings accounts!! :p
Last Sat i read and updated myself by reading through our blog!!! Wow, our blog is already 3 years old???? Seemed like yesterday Lina created this special blog...... Well, hopefully we live to celebrate its 30th Anniversary too!!!
Gu Leong's acting really sucks!!!!! If got nothing to say, keep quiet!! Why said something like that?? asif Lina's look has changed drastically!!!! So fake!!!
My my ..... dare to comment on other ppl's dressing sense ..... so brave of her!! Someone should but her a full length mirror so that she can see herself in the mirror ...... then she'll know how bad & poor her own dressing is!!! Come on-lah, sweet 16?????? She's 35-lah!!! 16 x 2 also only = 32!!!!! wakakakakakakakakaka I've finally chased away my Monday Blue!!!!!! :D
Jess, I went to Sg Lembing - climbed the Lembing Hill and went up to the Rainbow Waterfall .... but then-hoh all those happened on 16 & 17 July !!!! Came back to work & walked like a penguin for 2 days!!!! muahahahahahahahaha but then-hoh, most of us that went there walked like a penguin, not me alone!!!!!
well, have attached herewith some of the photos which we took at Sg Lembing!!

Facelift for 3rd Anni...

1st day of Aug... 8..... baat....wat an auspicious day to get a facelift... Errr...... do u gals feel dizzy??? hahaha

If u do, hang on there, u shall get used to it pretty soon :) kakakaka