Saturday, July 30, 2011

Apa nama.... 3rd Anni... alamak... I lost track bout tis dy hahaha

Anyway!!!! Apa nama..... Happy 3rd Anniversary to my BFFs! :D

SK, apa itu "apa nama..."

got la...he smiled wat in many of the pics...otherwise looked stone & blur....haha

Ok, today I went to Prima... Aiyo, tis time Yvan really kena molested kao kao I tell u!

Even tis Rosli said wan to carry him, so Waicheng passed to him, Yvan biin zhui! Haha I quikly carry him back, I guess bcoz Yvan oso found Rosli too smelly!!!! When I carried Yvan bac fr him, I oso can smell his cigarrette smell lingering awhile Yvan's body! Me & Gu Leong walked pass twice, but nvr bother to tegur her.... until 3rd time, she tried to break d ice by saying, 'aiya, yun loi hai lei ah, cant recognise u tiim' & then she started playing wif Yvan. Duh! & sad to say Gu Leong's fashion sense stil the same, she wore a pink theme today... I can guess liao fr her big loop pink earrings, pink hairband & shoes with tinge of pink, can't see her baju bcoz she was showcasing few of her baju kurung, kebaya etc... Today a tailor taking their measuremt buat baju using kain raya. We had a pleasant surprise, waicheng passed me an envelope fr TS.... omg, ngo ng hou yi sii... TS so dai fong, gave 2K angpow to Yvan...

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